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15 Tips: Who Can Help Me Find a Job

15 Tips: Who Can Help Me Find a Job

With a competitive job market, as is revealed in discussions on the same over at, sometimes you may need to bring in help to help you finally find a job. If you feel like you need help, this article will look to help you discover where to find it by highlight 15 tips on who can help you find a job.

Friends and family

Your friends and family can be an excellent resource in helping you find a job as per the folks over at You can talk to them and ask them if they know of any job openings that may be of interest to you. They may also be on the lookout for you, alerting you in case they hear of a job opportunity that would interest you.


Your colleagues, if you already have a job but are considering making a change, can also help you find a job, as you can simply ask them if they know of any job openings that would be of interest to you. As per discussions on the same over at though, you should be careful when asking your colleagues as you don’t want the news to spread that you are actively looking for another job.


Your former co-workers are also an example of people who can help you find a job according to discussions on the same over at You can reach out and ask them whether there is an opening where they currently work, or if they know of any other job openings, and you just might land yourself a job.

Former classmates

Your former classmates who already have a job can also help you find a job yourself. All you have to do is reach out to them and ask them if they know of any job openings that could be of interest to you. They could even recommend you for a position where they work if there is an opening, or give you a heads up when a position becomes available, helping you find a job.

Careers counselor

The careers office at your university or college is yet another helpful resource to consider when looking for a job, as outlined over at Career counselors are always ready to help, not only by giving you advice and helping with your resume and cover letters, but also letting you know if there are any job openings out there for you, particularly since most companies work directly with universities and colleges to find new talent.

Your lecturers and professors

Your lecturers and professors can also help you find a job, according to discussions on the same over at, whether you are still in school or have already graduated. You can reach out to them and ask them if they know of any job opportunities that may be a fit for you. Many companies and organizations reach out to professors and lecturers to ask them for recommendations if they are looking to fill any job positions.

Actionable career coaches

Actionable career coaches provide several services like resume and cover letter writing, networking strategies, salary recognition, interview preparation, and many others as discussed in detail over at They will help you with tangible strategies that will help improve your chances of getting hired and finally finding a job.

Mindset career coaches

Mindset career coaches are different from actionable career coaches in that they help with the mental side of things, providing encouragement and acting as a sounding board during one’s job search. They will not only improve your mindset and confidence, but they will also help you improve your presentation skills, which will also help you finally land a job.

Resume writers

Yet another group of people that can help you find a job is professional resume writers. Resumes, as is discussed over at, are an important part of a job search, as, if you get your resume wrong, your chances of getting an interview are usually close to zero. Find a resume writer that has a history of writing resumes for clients in your industry for the best results.


A recruiter will also help you find a job as their work is to connect candidates with potential employers as is discussed over at You can either seek out recruiters directly if you can contact them, or you could find them through recruitment agencies.


While recruiters and headhunters do pretty much the same sort of work, headhunters usually recruit for senior-level or executive roles as covered over at If you are, therefore, a senior-leader, c-suite, or executive candidate, then the person who will help you find a job is a headhunter and is one of the people you should be looking for.


If you are on an internship or are working a temp job, then your supervisor could also help you find a job. This is why it is important to take your internship or temp job very seriously because if you do a great job, your supervisor will most likely recommend you for a full-time gig if one becomes available. Temp jobs can very easily turn into full-time gigs if you impress your supervisor sufficiently enough.

Your references

As per the folks over at, your references could also help you find a job as they are the ones that will back you up in the eyes of the hiring manager. Make sure, therefore, that you get your references right when writing your resume, and you add people who you are sure will give you a glowing recommendation when they are called.

Your LinkedIn and social media network

If you follow the right people on LinkedIn, as is covered in detail over at, then they too will help you find a job. They will reach out to you if a job opening that will interest you becomes available, and you can also be able to find out from them when such a job becomes available by simply following them. The same applies to the other social media platforms, where you can even post that you are looking for a job accompanied by your qualifications, and you may get a job offer.

Your former boss

Many hiring managers will call your former bosses to learn more about you and help them decide on whether or not to hire you. Your former bosses, therefore, play an important role in helping you find a job which is why it is important to handle your job transitions very carefully and professionally. As per the gurus over at, you should also never talk ill of your former bosses during interviews as this will also be identified as a red flag by hiring managers.

The above are some of the people that can help you find a job, with the experts over at and providing the sort of services that will help you land the job you have been looking for.

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