15 Tips to Dominate YouTube for Emergency Rooms in Houston Texas
15 Tips to Dominate YouTube for Emergency Rooms in Houston Texas
YouTube, as the 2nd largest search engine in the world as discussed over at runrex.com, should be a key part of your video marketing strategy. It is a great platform to not only reach out to and engage your audience but to also drive more patients to your practice. If you are an emergency room in Houston, Texas, and are looking to dominate on YouTube, this article should be of great help with the following 15 tips.
- Create a channel for your practice
The first thing you should do if you want to dominate on YouTube is to create a channel for your practice. Your ER’s channel, as outlined over at guttulus.com, will act as the video hub for your practice, where you will be able to upload videos, edit video titles and descriptions, choose relevant keywords, and get into analytics on the performances of your video content.
- Craft a compelling description
In the ‘About’ section of your YouTube channel profile, you will find the Description part of it. This is an important part as it is what lets you describe your emergency room, and what makes you different from the others. You should ensure that you craft a compelling description and that you use it to showcase the culture and personality of your ER practice.
- Use an appropriate banner and avatar
Other than your profile’s description, you should also ensure that your emergency room’s YouTube channel has got an appropriate avatar and banner. Here, you should use a picture of your ER physicians or that of your facilities and building. As per the gurus over at runrex.com, you should make sure that you don’t use the same photo for both your banner and your avatar.
- Add an introductory video
When crafting your profile, you should also consider creating a small introductory video for your YouTube channel. You can use this video to give your visitors a brief look into what your emergency room is about, the people that work there, as well as some of the services you offer, and what makes you stand out from the rest. Use this video to introduce users to your team of ER physicians and staff, and let them know what inspired them to get into this niche of medicine.
- Provide educational content
When creating content for your ER’s YouTube channel, you should focus on providing your audience with value, and one way you can achieve this is by educating them. Provide content that sheds light on common health concerns as well as how to overcome them. As outlined over at guttulus.com, you can put up a video showing people some of the symptoms to look out for when it comes to a heart attack, among other examples.
- Avoid medical jargon
When putting up content for your YouTube channel, you should prioritize putting up content that is easy to understand and content which your audience will follow easily. This means that you should avoid using medical jargon and technical, complicated terms in your video content, instead, focus on using language that is easy to digest for viewers.
- Show empathy and authenticity
When creating video content for our channel, the gurus over at runrex.com also recommend that you should be as authentic and empathetic as possible as this is what will allow your target audience to connect with your ER on a more personal level. Featuring the people in your ER from the physicians and nurses to some of your patients will help you achieve this, and help create videos that people will be able to relate to.
- Make your channel a preferred destination through playlists
Creating playlists on your ER’s YouTube channel, and regularly adding to them, will help make your channel a preferred destination for users. You can come up with a series, like one featuring recipes for heart-healthy foods, and create related videos weekly for this playlist. This way, users will be coming to your YouTube channel every week to access this information, making it a destination. Creating various playlists will ensure that there is something for everybody.
- Go beyond the topic of medicine
As per the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com are quick to point out, video marketing for ERs works best when it goes beyond the topic of medical emergencies and health in general. As much as it is important to provide educational content related to your niche, you should also look to put up video content that goes beyond this once in a while, incorporating aspects of your daily life to humanize your ER practice and your physicians to create a relationship with your audience.
- Solve a known problem
As an emergency room, there are certain problems you encounter during your operations, with the most common one being patients being unable to remember what medications they are taking or what they are allergic to, which usually causes issues with treatment, delaying it or leading to exclusion of specific treatment options to be cautious. In such a situation, you should consider making a video that addresses this issue, helping inform your audience how important it is to keep a list of allergies and their medications in case they are admitted to an ER.
- Showcase patient testimonial videos
Patient testimonial videos are extremely effective as they will convince prospective patients to visit your ER practice since people trust the word of other people as opposed to what brands have to say as discussed over at runrex.com. This is why you should ensure that your YouTube channel has a lot of patient testimonial videos if you want to dominate on the platform.
- Showcase your latest techniques, technology, and medical devices
It is an open secret that today’s patients are more informed than ever about medical ailments and treatment options. This is why you must let them know the treatment options offered at your ER practice as well as the latest technology you are using. You should put up videos showcasing some of the latest state-of-the-art technology and equipment in your facility to show them that they will receive top-notch services at your ER.
- Quality of your videos
The quality of your videos is crucial if you are to have success on YouTube as per the gurus over at guttulus.com. This means choosing a professional location to shoot your videos, and if you are shooting at your premises, ensuring that you choose a clean and uncluttered office or treatment area. You should also not forget about sound quality, eliminating any background noise to ensure that viewers catch everything you are putting across.
- Be concise
The videos that capture the most attention are usually those that are short and to the point. As a rule of thumb, you should try and keep your videos under 5 minutes where possible, only going for longer if you have something that requires you to go into more detail. This is because most people lose interest after 5 minutes, especially if you are using a static camera angle for your video.
- Ask for and reply to comments
You must engage with your audience on YouTube, which is why you should ensure that you not only ask for feedback from viewers, but you also reply to all your comments promptly. You should reply to all comments, whether negative or positive, letting those who have concerns know that you will have them addressed as soon as possible.
If you need help with your efforts on YouTube, then you should look no further than the excellent runrex.com and guttulus.com, the best agencies in Houston, Texas for such services.