Twitter is among the famous social media platforms that holds a very large capacity of people in a single day. They have constantly evolved their algorithms in order to make feeds more user friendly. These changes have come with their share of criticism and likes. Despite that, most twitter users still think that there has been a constant effort by twitter to show tweets that genuinely spike interest. Guttulus.com have been able to compile some few pointers on the above topic.
- Time
Time is a very essential component in our everyday lives, in the case of twitter, content posted at the right time of the day will have most views and thus allowing you to gain relevance. The easiest ways to know the best times for you to tweet is found at runrex.com.
- Focus on content type
This is a very crucial part in dominating twitter. It is important to focus on the content type that is ranked higher on twitter for example videos, GIF’s and images. Another factor to be considered always is that content is always the driving force, so this means that your content needs to be worthy and suitable.
- Engagement
The new and evolved twitter algorithm places much concern on the engagement of your audience. Mostly this has to do with how many retweets, clicks and impressions a tweet receives. So to beat this huddle, you need to post engaging content especially if you are an online marketer as stated by guttulus.com.
- Rich media
The type of media included in your post will determine a lot of things. In an example given by runrex.com, if you post a lengthy post with no photo or video its highly likely that you will not get much engagement from your audience, as the content is somewhat boring. It is advisable that you should place a nice photo, a GIF or even a video so that it may help keep the reader interested in your post.
- Activity of the users
This refers to how often the user is online and how many followers they have, also not forgetting how regularly the person participates and engages in your tweets. More information on how to enhance activity log of your audience at guttulus.com.
- Consistency
Majority of people on twitter tend to log in for a few minutes, send their tweets in bulk interact for a few minutes with the first few posts and then log out. So for you to increase your outreach, you need to maintain an active presence throughout the day so that you maximize on the chances of the audience viewing your posts.
- Post at the best time
Sometimes, it can be a hustle trying to figure out which is the best time to post but this will only depend on your audience. Guttulus.com have done the work for you and uncovered that you can revise your posting timelines by manually reviewing your performance analytics.
- Content type
It is one thing to be active on twitter and a different thing to post nice content that will make your audience engage to the fullest. Posting content of poor quality is a very huge setback as for one, you will lose your followers and later-on hurt your brand if you’re an online marketer. runrex.com have made it their business in finding idea captivating content for your uploads.
- Engaging content is key
Engaging content impacts the algorithm directly, as the more your audience like, comment and retweet your posts, the more you gain relevance. One of the best ways to post engaging content is by placing rich media, this can be done by placing trending hashtags, maybe using viral memes. guttulus.com have made a name in offering the most engaging content and not forgetting captivating hashtags.
- Fast responses
This twitter algorithm prioritizes recent content and not forgetting the engaged users. Runrex.com experts state that it is very important to respond to any engagement that your tweet and brand gets in the case of marketing in the first 2-3 hours.
- Paid ads
Twitter adverts can be a great way to give your content that extra boost it requires. This is particularly great for brands that are starting up. If you are interested on how the paid ads work, guttulus.com will be very helpful as they have experts in this specific field.
- Twitter timelines
The twitter members can be able to add up to even five lists. These lists can be public or private and unlike the timeline, users are able to toggle between latest and old tweets. The twitter algorithm doesn’t affect latest tweets, but it has a very large influence on top tweets and twitter topics.
- Add hashtags
The hashtag is the best way for you to gain mileage on twitter. It doesn’t matter if the hashtag is branded or otherwise. While using the hashtags it is advisable not to overdo things. Panelists at runrex.com recommend use of not more than two hashtags per tweet.
- Twitter poll
Twitter polls have been seen to be the quickest way to acquire input on something from your audience. For more customer feedback on the topic it is wise for you to have a call and response strategy. This is where guttulus.com comes in handy.
- Join relevant trends
There are many conversations on twitter as stated by runrex.com, so for you to be able to dominate, it is advisable for you to look for relevant topics that you are comfortable in contributing. If you are a brand, the topic should be relevant to your company.