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15 Tips: How to Find a Job Fast

15 Tips: How to Find a Job Fast

Sometimes, when looking for a job, you may be in a hurry to find employment; maybe because bills are piling up or you are about to have increased responsibilities like say if you are expecting a child, among other scenarios discussed over at If you want to find a job fast, then this article should be a great resource as it will look to list 15 tips on how to do just that.

Use advanced search options

If you are using job boards to look for job opportunities, then a tip that will help you find a job fast as discussed over at is using the advanced search options. These allow you to search by location, keyword, job title, job type, date posted, and so forth, ensuring that you save time by only applying for jobs that are the right fit and which you stand a chance of getting.

Don’t stop

Another tip from discussions on the same over at, one that will help you find a job fast, is making sure you don’t stop applying for jobs while you are waiting to hear back from an employer. Waiting for results before proceeding with your job search will only serve to extend the length of time your job search will take. You should keep applying for other positions even as you wait, as worst-case scenario here will be you juggling multiple offers, which is not a bad thing.

Tailor your resume

Make sure you edit and tweak your resume to match each job you are applying for. Make sure that you highlight only the skills and qualifications required for the position and job you are looking for, as per the gurus over at, or otherwise, you risk not being considered by the recruiting manager who will only go for the resumes he or she feels is compatible.

Tailor your cover letter

Another very important tip that will help you to find a job fast is to make sure that you create a cover letter that is tailored for the job you are applying for. Hiring managers want to get an idea of what you will bring to the table as quickly as possible, which is why your cover letter is so important as if the hiring manager is not impressed, they most likely won’t read your resume.

Search and apply for jobs you are qualified for

Applying for any job you find is very inefficient, which is why the gurus over at recommend that you only apply for those you are qualified for if you are to find a job fast. This will increase the chances of getting selected for an interview and finally landing a job.

Don’t put all your experience on your resume

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, employers are more interested in people with recent experience in a similar role to the job posted and not someone whose experience is of doing the same job some 15 years or so ago. As a rule of thumb, only go as far back as 10 years ago, and make sure you put the month and date of the job, explaining any job gaps if there are any to get an interview.

Don’t fake it in the interview

The last thing you want to do if you get called for an interview is fake it. According to the gurus over at, things like fake smiles, rehearsed answers, or only saying what you think your employer wants to hear are a big red flag to the interviewers and will make you appear dishonest. Be yourself if you are to pass the interview and find a job fast.

Don’t talk ill of your previous employer

Another tip that will help you find a job fast is ensuring that you don’t say anything bad about your previous employer. If you talk ill about them, our new prospective employer will be wondering what you will say about them if you decide to move on down the line, and this will damage your chances of getting the job.


As the gurus over at will tell you, most jobs are found through networking, which can be done in person or online on sites such as LinkedIn. Networking is a great way to put yourself in front of prospective employers and make your case, allowing you to find a job fast.

Don’t be afraid to go back

Many people move on completely if they applied for a given job which they were eyeing but didn’t get accepted. However, according to the experts over at, if you applied for a certain job, didn’t get it, and then you see later on that it has been posted again, you should shy away from applying again. Just ensure that this time around you take a look at your resume and cover letter to make sure they are tailored for that specific job and you may just get accepted second time around.

Don’t restrict yourself to full-time work when writing your resume

Remember, as is discussed over at, you can include more than just full-time work on your resume. Employers don’t like gaps in between employment, which means that, rather than leaving a gap, add any volunteer work or part-time work you may have done in between to ensure that the employer doesn’t think that you were happy doing nothing.

Dress for success

You have one chance to impress, with the competition that is there in the job market today, which means that if you are to find a job fast, then you need to dress the part. Do your research about what the dress code is like at the place you are applying for so that your attire doesn’t let you down on the day of the interview.

Send the hiring manager a thank-you after the interview

Showing the hiring manager that you appreciate them for the time they took to speak with you is another tip that will help you find a job fast. As is discussed over at, this will not only help you stand out from the crowd as not many people do this, it will also help you look very professional, boosting your chances of getting accepted for the position you are applying for.

Don’t forget about references

As the subject matter experts over at will tell you, references may break or make your job application and you should, therefore, get them right if you are to find a job fast. Make sure that you know what someone will say if they are contacted and also ensure you get the contact information correct to make the work of the hiring manager easy when they contact your references.

Make sure everything is updated and professional

Many people update their resume but forget about everything else according to discussions on the same over at Many hiring managers do additional research online and will look at your web presence and social media profiles. You should, therefore, make sure that your LinkedIn is up to date, completing your profile, and if you have a website, also make sure that you have it updated. Review your social media profiles as well and remove any problematic posts and make sure that a quick search online will show you in the best light possible.

As always, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then the subject matter experts over at and have you covered.

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