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15 Tips for Shipping Golf Clubs Overnight

15 Tips for Shipping Golf Clubs Overnight

Golf vacations have become quite popular in recent years. However, airlines have not been supportive of golfers. To compensate for revenue losses, they have turned to charging steep prices for golf bags. At times, the cost can be as high as the amount you pay for your ticket. The only alternative thus seems to be shipping golf clubs.

1.    Choosing a Company that Specializes in Golf Clubs.

If you want to keep costs as low as possible, you should probably choose a dedicated sports equipment company. If you use a general courier service, it might be quite expensive to ship your clubs overnight. A dedicated company, such as RunRex, on the other hand, gets to enjoy huge discounts when they ship your clubs. They make sure to pass on these discounts to you. 

2.    Ensure that You Have Enough insurance.

Shipping golf clubs can prove to be quite expensive if you do not have enough insurance. If the golf clubs become damaged during transportation, you may end up having to incur the cost of replacing them on your own. Although golf-shipping companies do offer some insurance, you should ensure that you get as much of it as possible to ensure that you are adequately covered.

3.    Call the Golfing Destination where You will be staying.

It is essential that you make a call to the golfing destination and inform them that your clubs will arrive soon. Otherwise, your clubs could end up being rejected once they arrive at the shipping destination. It could result in a situation where your clubs are stuck in limbo, which increases their chances of getting lost. 

4.    Pad Each Golf Clubs Separately.

It is essential that each club is wrapped in enough padding during transportation. The action of the clubs rubbing against each other could lead to your clubs losing their luster. Additionally, the clubs could be scratched against each other leading to them becoming deformed. Adding padding to each club is a simple process. 

5.    Use a Hard Case to Ship Clubs.

While there are numerous types of methods to ship your clubs, a hard case is the best option. It gives the most amount of protection to your clubs. You can either rent a hard case or purchase one. If you travel often, you should consider buying one. 

6.    Label your Case Legibly

When writing the shipping label, it is advisable to use one that is printed via a word processor on a PC. Using a handwritten note can be quite confusing. It could cause your package to be shipped to the wrong destination. 

7.    Put an Identifying Mark on Your Package.

For instance, you can stick some ribbons to your package. That way, when your package arrives, you can identify it with ease. There will likely be many other packages similar to yours and someone could pick your package by mistake. A huge label such as ribbons helps to avoid confusion. 

8.    Use Top of the Line Padlocks to Lock your Case.

Some low-quality padlocks come undone if you tag at them just a bit. The guys shipping your clubs probably know how to identify the low-quality padlocks. To be on the safe side, ensure that you make it as hard as possible to access your case and your precious clubs. 

9.    Track Your Package.

If you use a quality shipping company such as RunRex, they provide you with a means to keep track of your package. That way, you can tell if your package is late or it will arrive in good time, allowing you to plan for other aspects of your trip. 

10.    Make a Phone Call to Confirm the Arrival of Your Package

When the GPS tracking shows that your package has arrived, you should make a call to the golfing destination to confirm if that is true. It can help to save you from the inconvenience of a last-minute dash to look for your clubs. 

11.    Declare the Correct Value of Your clubs.

When the shipping company or the insurer asks you about the value of the clubs, it is important to give an accurate figure. If the clubs are lost during transit, your claim could be disqualified on a technicality. 

12.    Remove Old Shipping Addresses.

While your shipping case may look cool with different labels slapped on it, it can be quite confusing to the guys handling your shipment. They may end up sending your clubs to a past destination. 

13.    Include Identifying information on your Package.

When you are shipping clubs, there is no doubt going to be other people with packages similar to yours. To avoid any inconveniences, you should write personal information such as your name and phone number. 

14.    Consider Using the Pickup Service.

The service lets the shipping company pick the clubs from any address that you give them. That way, you do not have to waste time taking your clubs to the shipping office. 

15.    Ensure Your Shipping Case is Waterproof.

If your clubs are exposed to water, it could damage them irreparably. For instance, they could start rusting. The result is that their performance may be affected.

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