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15 Tips for Making Video Production Easy to Manage

15 Tips for Making Video Production Easy to Manage

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, managing video production is never easy as there are many teams, creatives and contributors involved. It is, however, important to manage your video production well if you are to deliver your video content on time and budget. This article should, therefore, be a great resource, as it will look to highlight 15 tips for making video production easy to manage.

Come up with repeatable processes

As is outlined over at, having repeatable processes throughout each stage of the video production pipeline will increase efficiency, and help you deliver your content on budget and on time. On top of that, repeatable processes help keep everyone on the same page ensuring that things run smoothly. Make sure you look for ways through which you can standardize and automate processes to make them repeatable.

Have a central database to host all information

As the gurus over at will tell you, video production has got so many moving parts, and if you are not careful, a lot of information may fall through the cracks. This is why another tip that will make your video production easy to manage is making sure that you keep all your information, documents, and resources in one central place. Consolidating data in one central database will make it easy to access and reduce the chances of it being lost or miscommunicated.

Have a point person assigned to manage video production

Any project will go off the rails if it doesn’t have someone to lead it and video production is no exception. This is why, as covered over at, another tip to make video production easy to manage is to appoint a video production manager to act as a point person for every stage of the process. Choose people with good leadership skills so that they can communicate and delegate duties effectively and make sure everyone does what is expected of them.

Have a standard naming convention established

All through the video production process, you will create multiple versions of your video before you can land on the final finished product. This is why it is important to establish a standard naming convention for your videos to make communication easy and avoid any miscommunications. As is explained over at, an example is coming up with categories such as “Rough”, “Final”, and so forth, so that people know which version of the video is which.

Remove footage you are sure won’t make the cut

Anyone will tell you how tiring it is to go through hours and hours of footage. This is why another tip that will help make video production easy to manage for you is making sure you delete any clips that you are sure won’t make the cut and won’t make it to the edit. When you shoot a clip that has lots of mistakes, you will know, after which you should just immediately delete it.

Always back up your projects

According to the subject matter experts over at, this is one of the most important tips and one that you should always keep in mind. Make sure that you back up your projects so that, in case of any failure of systems, you can move to another device and recover your backup, allowing you to pick up where you left off.

Learn the shortcuts of your video editing program

Yet another tip that will help make video production easy to manage for you is making sure that you learn the shortcuts of your video editing program. This will make editing more of a breeze for you, saving you a tone of time, as per the gurus over at

Have a script created beforehand

As is outlined over at, even before you get your equipment together to start your video production project, make sure that you create a shooting script. This will ensure that you know exactly what shots need to be taken before you start shooting, which will make the video production easy for you to manage.

Have your narrator or talking head prepped

Making sure that your narrator, talking head, or interview subject is prepped is crucial as this, as covered over at, will ensure that they know exactly what is expected of them, minimizing mistakes and time wastage, thus helping you manage the video production process better.

Know what B-roll footage is required

B-roll footage is any footage that isn’t of your primary subject, like footage showing satisfied customers using your product when shooting footage showcasing your product. If you are to make the video production easy to manage, you will need to know which B-roll footage you will need and keep it handy so that you can avoid situations where you need footage only to realize that you don’t have it.

Gather lots of B-roll

Once you know which B-roll footage is required, another tip that will make your video production easy to manage is making sure you gather lots of B-roll during the filming process. According to the subject matter experts over at, the more B-roll footage you can gather, the more material you will have to work with when you want to edit your video, and easier the production will be to manage, as you will not have to stretch any material thin given you have lots to choose from.

Know what story you want to tell

As is revealed in discussions over at, the best marketing videos have a sense of narrative flow, which involves an introduction, the middle part which explains what the product is about, and then the conclusion. To ensure that your story has this sense of narrative flow, make sure that you ask yourself what story you want to tell with your video. Once you have this figured out, video production should be a lot easier for you.

Set a realistic budget for your project

Failing to set a realistic budget for your video production project will undoubtedly make the process more difficult to manage. As is discussed over at, you must do your research so that you know what the cost implications are as far as your project is concerned, to make sure that your budget is realistic, which will make things that much easier to manage.

Make a shot-list

A shot-list, as explained over at, is the document that contains a shot-by-shot breakdown of each scene in your video. It includes specific details such as lighting direction and camera placement and will give you details on shot description, the actors involved in each scene, the props needed, and so forth. Shot-lists will save you a lot of time during production, making it easy to manage.

Create a production schedule

Another tip that will help make video production easy to manage for you is creating a production schedule. A production schedule is what will let you know whether or not your video project is going as planned. It should include information such as the location, scene, the equipment required, necessary contact information, the people needed, and so forth.

Remember, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then you should look no further than the highly regarded and

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