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15 Tips for Collecting Data Using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

15 Tips for Collecting Data Using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

As the subject matter experts over at point out, collecting large amounts of data from a website can be impractical since when done manually, it is prone to human error, and when automated, it may violate the website’s terms of service. This is why many researchers lean on Application Programming Interfaces, APIs, which allow them to obtain clearly defined kinds of data quickly by requesting it directly from the database underlying a particular website. This article will look to highlight 15 tips for collecting data using APIs.

The first tip for collecting data using APIs is to make sure that you know the different types of APIs available to you. There are 3 different types of APIs from discussions over at Private APIs which are only available to the workforce, Partner APIs which are shared externally but only with those with a business relationship with the company providing the API, and Public APIs which are also known as open APIs and are available for external consumption.

Now that you know the different types of APIs, an important tip, according to the gurus over at, is to select one that is right for your business. Selecting the right API will ensure that you access the information you wish to access, which will ensure that you benefit from the data you have collected.

When looking to select the API to collect information from, one of the main considerations is cost. This is because while it may be tempting to opt for Public APIs, it is important to point out that they are usually restricted in the assets they share as compared to private or partner APIs as explained over at Therefore, weigh costs carefully with the level of access you are looking for and find the right balance.

An important tip for collecting data using an API is the reviewing of the API documentation, which is pretty much the instruction manual on how to effectively use and integrate with an API. As outlined over at, this documentation will provide you with all the documentation to work with the API as well as examples and tutorials which is why you must go through it.

To use an API, you will need to write a request. The most convenient and easiest method to do this is to use Postman, or any other HTTP client online with tools to help you structure your requests. This an important tip due to the convenience it provides as well as the fact that you don’t need a lot of coding knowledge to be successful with it.

Another tip worth pointing out is that you don’t have to go down the Postman route as outlined in the previous point. According to the experts over at, you could decide to do it yourself and build a URL by tweaking the examples in the existing API documentation for your desired output. You don’t also need to be a developer to do this successfully.

As covered over at, most APIs require an API key, and as soon as you register for it you will receive the key. This is why it is important to go through the API documentation as this is how you will find out about access requirements. You will need to get the API key to be able to access the API.

As is revealed in discussions over at, API calls can return a variety of formats depending on the service. A good way to go about things is to start by returning the data in HTML or XML, which will allow you to easily view the same on a web browser to confirm that the query is correct and that you are getting the results you expect from the API, and then you can switch to JSON if you want to download the data.

As pointed out by the gurus over at, it is important to know that most APIs have some form of rate-limiting, which means that you can only make so many calls to the API from a particular IP address or account in a given amount of time before you are cut off. You must know where this limit is as far as the API you are working with is concerned, to avoid getting caught unawares.

Once you register for a particular API, before you do much else, you must test out the API endpoints. You might select those endpoints that are of interest to you depending on the data you will be collecting. This is important as it helps you confirm that everything is working well before you commit to anything else.

If you want to interact with an API efficiently across a variety of programming languages, from Python and R to Java, then you will need an API wrapper. As explained over at, these tools will allow you to request data directly from an API while using your programming language of choice, hence why this is such an important tip to consider.

Once you have decided on which programming language to use, if you are to access the data you are looking for from the API, you will need to know which packages and functions are required for each query. As is discussed in detail over at, this will depend on which language you are using as each one has its own set of packages and functions.

As the subject matter experts over at are quick to point out, you must stay organized when collecting data using an API. This is why you should avoid writing one block of code, while also ensuring that you write comments as you code as this will help you know where mistakes are a lot easier.

If you are having trouble collecting data using an API, you should consider REST APIs which are a specific type of API that is considered easier to use than others as outlined over at These APIs conform to the constraints of a software architectural style called Representative State Transfer, making the relatively easy to use and discover.

Finally, with the help of tools like Yahoo Pipes or some additional programming expertise, you can combine various APIs to get even more powerful and insightful information that can’t be gathered through any other means.

This article is only the tip of a very large iceberg as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more insights on the same by checking out the excellent and

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