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15 Tips: Find Which Job is Right for You

15 Tips: Find Which Job is Right for You

As is revealed in discussions on the same over at, people don’t just want a job, but one they feel is the right fit for them; one that will make them happy. Finding that job is usually the tricky part, which is why this article will look to help by highlighting 15 tips on finding out which job is right for you.

Get the inside scoop before applying

As per the gurus over at, one way to find out if the job is right for you is by taking the time to discover through your connections on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or any other networking sites if anyone is working in the company of interest whom you know. You can then get the inside scoop of how it is like to work at the company which will help you find out if it is right for you.

Interview them just as they will interview you

As is discussed over at, it is just as important to interview the company as it is for them to interview you. Prepare questions to ask them on how it is to work there and find out if the job you are applying for is right for you.

Don’t forget about the company culture

The company culture is also something you should consider very carefully if you are to find a job that is right for you, according to the folks over at Try and check out the company culture before applying and see if you will fit in or if you won’t. If the company culture is not a good fit, you will struggle to find happiness at that particular workplace and as such you should pass on the position.

Know what your requirements are

Before applying for jobs, you should also establish what your requirements are to look for jobs that meet those requirements. For instance, you should ask yourself if you are looking to be a manager or an individual contributor? How important is the salary for you? Are you looking for a job that provides travel opportunities? And many other such questions. If you have a list of requirements, you will be able to find a job that is right for you.

Take your time

If you are to find a job that is right for you, as per the folks over at, then you should be patient and take your time to gather as much information about what you are looking for in a job. Do your research and find out what you want to do, and take lots of meetings expanding your network, and you will find a job that is right for you eventually.

Don’t be afraid to try something different

Maybe one of the reasons why you are unable to find a job that you feel is right for you is because you have restricted yourself as far as your job search is concerned. As is discussed over at, sometimes taking the risk and doing something that may be out of your wheelhouse may be the move that helps you land that job you have been looking for, one that is the right fit for you.

Act like you have the job

Another tip by the gurus over at that will help you find out if a given job is right for you is taking some time to act like you have the job you are considering. Take a weekend or so doing the sort of work that you would be required to do in the job you are considering, working on projects you would expect to work on once you get the job, and see if you enjoy what you are doing. If you find that you are not enjoying it, then you should consider not taking the job as it may not be right for you.

Don’t forget about the people

While the job description and what you will be doing is important, it is equally as important to consider the people you will be working with considering the amount of time you will be spending with them. Take your time to get to know your prospective colleagues if possible and see if you will work well with them.

Don’t run away from a job

If you are looking to make a change from your current job, then don’t make the mistake of running from it as per the gurus over at This will only lead to you making a rash decision and ending up with a job that you will find out that is also not right for you. Don’t look for a job, any job, so that you don’t have to work at your current company any longer as by running away from your current job, you just might run to one that is also not right for you.

Don’t put the title above all else

Don’t let a job title seduce you into thinking that it is the right job for you. As per discussions on the same over at, many people make this mistake and end up with a job that they don’t love. What you do and how you do it should always be more important than the title under your signature and name. Find a job you enjoy doing at a workplace you enjoy working at, regardless of the job title, if you are to find a job that is right for you.

Surround yourself with the right people

Don’t go it alone, try and surround yourself with people who will advise, support, help, and challenge you to make the right decisions according to the subject matter experts over at Find people who will be honest with you, and you can run job ideas through them, and with their guidance and help, you can find a job that is right for you.

Decide for you

While it is important to take the people that you care about into consideration, like say your family, you must make the right decision for you. Don’t put other people above your considerations as you will end up with a job that makes everyone else happy apart from you. Find a job that makes you happy, and others will benefit too in the long run.

Analyze your skills

If you are to find a job that is right for you, it is important to look long and hard at your skills, including your soft skills as per discussions on the same over at You don’t want to go for a job that requires a lot of public speaking if you are not comfortable with the same for example. Ask yourself what skills you have and which ones you are looking forward to using in the workplace, and find a job that compliments these skills.

Take from your past experiences

While career tests are popular, they rarely help one find a job that is the right fit for them. As is discussed over at, mining your own past experiences can be better at helping you land a job that will be the right fit for you. Thinks about what you have found stimulating and inspiring in the past and try and map it to the world of work, finding a job that fits such experiences.

Do your research

Also, as per the gurus over at, never rely on second-hand information about industries as most of them are usually preconceptions that are not in line with things on the ground. Do your research, talking to people who do the job you are interested in, and find out if they enjoy the job. By finding out how a job feels like from the inside, you will be able to ascertain if it is the right fit for you.

As always, the ever-reliable and have got you covered if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics.

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