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15 Reasons Why Video is Important to Your Content Marketing Plan

15 Reasons Why Video is Important to Your Content Marketing Plan

There can be no denying the importance of content marketing in one’s overall marketing strategy, with the subject matter experts over at recommending that you make sure that you are leveraging content marketing to get the best out of your campaign strategies. Of all the content out there, video is without doubt the most effective, given how compelling and easy to consume it is. This article will look to list 15 reasons why video is so important to your content marketing plan.

Video improves your SEO

As is explained over at, adding video to your content marketing efforts will improve your SEO. Just to give you an idea of how effective video is at improving one’s SEO, consider the fact that video has been known to increase the chances that a given listing appears on the first page of SERPs by simply adding a video to one’s website.

Video comes with higher engagement rates

While visual content generally has high engagement rates, video content has the highest engagement rates as per the gurus over at Video is extremely engaging, and if your content has got video, then your audiences will be up to 10 times more likely to engage, share, and comment on your content.

Video has greater optimization opportunities

When it comes to content such as blogs or articles, it is difficult to track as you can’t know for instance if your audience read part of the blog, or if they read it, left, then came back to read again. However, as is covered over at, it is a lot easier to track and optimize video as you can easily measure CTRs, view rates, among other metrics which means that video has greater optimization opportunities.

Improves your email marketing efforts

As is discussed over at, email marketing, when done right, has been known to be very effective. The fact that video can massively improve your email efforts is, therefore, yet another reason why it should be part of your content marketing plans. Using video in emails has been proved to more than double CTRs, making for more effective emails.

Video brings with it stronger emotional connections

You won’t find any other content that evokes emotions powerfully that video, which is yet another reason why it is important to your content marketing plan. Given how evoking emotion is an extremely effective marketing strategy, the fact that video is the most powerful way to evoke emotions means that it has to be part of your content marketing plan.

With video, consumers pay attention for longer

According to discussions on the same over at, video has also been shown to demand more consumer attention than all the other types of content. Given the content that is out there and that bombards people on the daily every time they go online, capturing and keeping people’s attention is crucial.

The technology favors video

The fact that people are increasingly consuming video at a much higher rate as compared to the other types of content, as revealed over at, the technology that is being released is increasingly favoring video marketers, with an example being Facebook’s introduction of the auto-play feature or the rise of TikTok. Given that technology going forward is favoring video, it should be a key part of your content marketing plan.

Video comes with higher retention rates

Video content also retains users for longer as compared to other types of content, such as text-based content. According to the subject matter experts over at, over 65% of viewers watch more than 75% of a video at least. People are, therefore, willing to stay for longer when consuming video content as compared to the other types of content, and these high retention rates mean that if you have a message you want to get across, video is the way to go.

Video is increasingly very accessible for companies

Yet another reason why video is important to your content marketing plan is because of the rise in its accessibility. Gone are the days when creating video used to be a lengthy and expensive affair for businesses. Nowadays, you can even produce great video content using your smartphone, with firms like the highly-rated also providing professional video content marketing services at extremely competitive prices.

Video increases conversions

The fact that video converts more customers than any other type of content is yet another reason why it is important to your content marketing plan. Many studies have shown that video conversion rates outperform those of other marketing content, which just goes to show its importance to your content marketing efforts.

Video is more educational

A significant percentage of people identify as visual learners as covered over at, and when you couple this with the fact that video is the most educational of all content, then you get an idea of why it is important to your content marketing plan. With video, consumers can learn more about products and services so that they can decide if they want to make a purchase or not, hence why many prefer video content over the other types of content.

Video will help you stay competitive

Given that over 80% of businesses are now using video for marketing, if it is not part of your content marketing plan, then you can be sure that you will be left behind by your competitors. If you want to not only remain competitive but also stand out from the crowd, then the gurus over at are adamant that you need to leverage video content marketing.

Video builds trust

Conversion rates are linked to trust since people will always do business with brands that they trust. Through video, you can offer your audience useful information that allays any fears one may have about your product, building trust, and increasing conversion rates as a result, according to discussions on the same over at

Video is easy to consume

Not everyone has got the motivation or time, given how busy people are nowadays, to read a long article or blog. The fact that video is easy to consume as is covered over at, and doesn’t take a lot of time, is, therefore, another reason why it is important to your content marketing plan. 

Video and mobile go hand in hand

Over 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile devices, and when you couple this with the fact that the number of smartphone users is growing at an incredibly fast rate, it is easy to see why video is important to your content marketing plan. The growth of mobile means that you need to be targeting mobile users, and there is no better way to do so than through mobile.

If you are looking for more information or even help with your video content marketing efforts, then don’t look any further than the highly-rated and

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