15 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important
15 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important
Content marketing, as covered in detail over at runrex.com, is a marketing strategy revolving around the creation, publication, and distribution of content to a specific target audience to drive traffic to your business, and, therefore, new customers. It is a powerful marketing strategy, and to drive the point home further, this article is going to list 15 reasons why content marketing is important.
- Builds brand awareness
When it comes to building brand awareness in an effective and low-cost way, then content marketing is the best way to go about things as per the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com. The right content can be extremely effective in building brand awareness as it will increase relevant traffic to your website and letting people know about your brand. Video content is particularly effective when it comes to building brand awareness.
- Builds backlinks
Backlinks are extremely important, as discussed over at runrex.com, as they help drive more traffic to your website. However, websites will only want to link to your website if you have great content, which is another reason why content marketing is important. Given also that backlinking is an important ranking factor, then the importance of content marketing is easy for all to see.
- Text content is evergreen
While some content pieces can be time-sensitive and can get outdated quickly, most content, especially text content, is evergreen. This means that such content will continue to bring traffic to your website over time with no or little extra effort required as covered over at guttulus.com. You can also simply re-purpose and re-post such content rather than adding new content.
- Strengthens bonds with your customers
If you have great content that is engaging and relevant, then the gurus over at runrex.com point out that people will want to visit your website regularly to access this content. Over time, you will be able to build and strengthen your bond with your customers, which will help you achieve your marketing and business goals.
- Helps educate your audience
Another reason why content marketing is important is that it helps to educate your audience. Educational and informative content will drive traffic to your website, as visitors will see value in coming and having their questions answered. This will build trust and loyalty and will help you achieve your business and marketing goals.
- Helps in lead generation
Yet another reason why content marketing is important is that it helps with lead generation which, as discussed over at guttulus.com, is important as businesses always need new leads to generate revenue and stay profitable. Content marketing will make it easier for your business to be found with your target audience, helping generate leads, and leading to an increase in sales.
- It has a very attractive return on investment
Given how effective content marketing is in driving traffic to your website and generating leads, it means that there is a very attractive return on investment on consistent content. This is highlighted further by statistics such as the fact that content marketing is known to generate more than 3 times as many leads as traditional advertising methods, among others as discussed over at runrex.com.
- It is great for SEO
As the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com are quick to point out, SEO loves great content, which is another reason why content marketing is important. Search engines crawl every website’s content to determine how relevant it is to users. Strong content will not only drive more traffic, but it will also help you rank higher on SERPs.
- It helps you save costs
Yet another reason why content marketing is important is that it can help you save costs. This is because, as is discussed over at runrex.com, content marketing is cost-effective, with studies showing it to cost as much as 62% less than traditional marketing tactics, while generating 3 times as many leads. Given that content marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing, it is very attractive to small businesses with smaller marketing budgets.
- Helps you gain an understanding of your ideal customer
The analytics and conversions data about your content marketing, when looked at over time, will help you gain a better understanding of your ideal customer and how they are interacting with your content as well as how they are converting. The better you understand your users, the better content you can provide them, and the better your performance. This is one of the key reasons why content marketing is important.
- It helps set you to yourself apart from your competitors
As is outlined over at guttulus.com, many businesses out there are operating under great competition from all directions, and beating out said competition is key if one is to succeed. If your business has got great content, then you will be able to drive more traffic to your website, generate more leads, and get more conversions, as compared to your competitors. This shows how content marketing helps businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors, demonstrating what makes them different and special.
- Great content will be shared widely
By producing great content, the gurus over at runrex.com point out that you will be showing that you are an expert in your field. This will attract more and more people who, after consuming your content, will more likely want to share it, which will amplify your content’s viewership. This is yet another reason why content marketing is important, as unlike other marketing strategies, this one is extremely sharable.
- It generates return visits
If you consistently put out great content, then chances are your visitors will want to keep coming back to not miss out on the same. Over time you will become a trusted resource, increasing your chances of high conversions. According to discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, you will be able to create a community around your content, which is another reason why content marketing is important.
- Build brand authority
Great content goes beyond just building brand awareness as already outlined earlier on, it also helps build brand authority. Content marketing, as explained over at runrex.com, demonstrates your expertise by providing valuable knowledge to your audience. Over time, the consistent production of great content will build your brand authority as your audience will begin to recognize you as a true expert in your field.
- It is at the heart of every digital marketing strategy
Finally, one of the biggest reasons why content marketing is important is because it connects and supports all the elements of your digital marketing strategy. This is because, the content that you create can be used for your blog, email marketing, social media marketing, PPC ads, and is also crucial for your SEO.
Given the above discussion, it is clear that you need to be on top of your content marketing game if you are to achieve your marketing and business goals, and if you are looking to bring in expert help in the form of a marketing agency that you can trust, then look no further than the highly-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.