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15 Golf Tips for Beginners

15 Golf Tips for Beginners

For a beginner in golf, there are various fundamental tips one needs to learn and internalize to become a pro in the sport in the future. Basics help you build a strong foundation, and the better you master the basics, the higher the likelihood that you will be a better golfer. Here are 15 golf tips for beginners from RunRex. 

1.    Understand the rules

Comprehend the rules and the scoring first before you start playing. Golf is not as direct as other sports when it comes to scoring. It is imperative to acquaint yourself with the rules, the scores and even the terms used on the course. 

2.    Consider taking lessons from a qualified instructor

Seeking the services of a golf instructor helps you learn faster. You might think your natural golfing ability is enough to get your going, but often that is not true. There is more to learn in golf, and an instructor ensures that you get the A-Z knowledge and skills you will need.

3.    Invest in golf equipment

Get the right equipment for yourself without getting into debt. They include golf clubs, golf balls and the right attire for the game. Get your equipment from the right sources. Golf courses often have golf equipment they sell at even much lower prices.

4.    Familiarize with the etiquette 

If you want to avoid embarrassment on the golf course, be sure to be familiar with the golf etiquette. Golf is a gentleman’s game, and you have to act like one too. Also, acquaint yourself with the particular rules of the particular golf course where you will be playing.

5.    Get the right club

Know the different clubs available and their uses. You should select one by determining the distance you want to achieve. 

6.    Be friends with your grip

It is how you are supposed to hold the club. The grip options available include the Vardon grip, the interlocking grip, and the ten finger grip. The hands should not fight each other when taking as swing.

7.    It is important to warm up

Most people assume that warming up is not essential in golf. That is not true as it helps get you into the game. Your first swing or putt should not be your warm up.

8.    Perfect posture

Your stance will determine your swing. The ideal stance is one that has your arms extended fully, your club is aligned with the ball correctly, your back is straight, and your knees slightly bent. You should be relaxed. Maintaining the stance when taking a swing can be quite hard hence it is important to learn how to do so for a perfect swing. 

9.    Correct swing

The essential components of a swing include the takeaway, the impact, and the follow-through. You should master these three elements while maintaining the proper posture and feet alignment. Know how to rotate and swing the hips while properly distributing your body weight. 

10.    Make use of YouTube

YouTube has proven to be an excellent learning resource. Many YouTube instructors offer great tips on how to improve your game. They help you learn how to correct the simple mistakes that one may overlook. 

11.    Leave the driver in your bag

You can start off your practice by mastering every club in your bag. Master the shorter clubs first then move on to the more challenging ones. It is advisable to avoid using the drivers for about one and a half years. Master how to use the clubs first then you can use the drivers.

12.    Use the driving range for practice

One indispensable tool available to any golfers is the driving range. It is the best tool you can use to better your swing. In as much as you would want to improve your swing power and ball distance, put your focus on hitting the ball accurately. Even short shots are crucial when playing.

13.    Start with a par three course

The par three course is a great way for you to develop a better understanding of the game and, also, better your course management skills. This course will help you spend less time looking for the golf balls while at the same time you will be internalizing all the short-game skills you have picked up in your learning process. 

14.    Learn to relax 

As a beginner, it is usually a bit difficult to relax as most try to focus on numerous things at the same time. Tension often leads to weak swings and consequently poor performance. Just relax and observe the basics. In case you have messed up, take a step back and start getting into position all over again. You can only learn slowly and continuously. You cannot be perfect within just three golf lessons. 

15.    Read more about golf

There are hundreds of golf tips you can get from books written by pros. All the tips might not benefit you, but you can pick up one or two that will help better your game. 

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