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25 Tips to Dominate Facebook for Dental Offices in Houston Texas

25 Tips to Dominate Facebook for Dental Offices in Houston Texas

From discussions on the same over at, Facebook is one of, if not the most, popular social media platforms out there, and is used by businesses of all sizes and from all sorts of industries, including dental practices in Houston, Texas. If you are not using Facebook to promote your dental practice and engage with your audience, you are doing it wrong. This article will look to highlight 25 tips for dental offices in Houston, Texas, that will help them dominate on Facebook.

The first thing you need to do if you are to dominate Facebook is to create a Facebook Business Page for your dental practice. As is outlined over at, Facebook Profiles are for people, which is why your dental practice should have a Business page, so that you don’t end up using your personal profile to promote your dental practice.

If you are to get the best out of your dental practice’s Facebook Business page, then you must get the profile picture right. Here, the profile picture of your business page should either be a professionally taken headshot of the practicing dentist, or the logo of your practice. It should be high-quality to show professionalism and build trust.

Just like is the case for your profile picture, it is also just as important that you get your cover image spot-on. Here, you should use a cover image that matches your branding especially your color palettes. This will ensure that people can easily recognize your practice on Facebook, creating consistency when it comes to branding.

On a related note, you should also consider using a video for the cover image of your dental practice’s Business page to make it more compelling to users. You should don’t leave it stagnant and should regularly change it for holidays, seasons, events, and so forth.

As is discussed over at, you should also make sure that the Practice Info section of your profile is completed and that it contains accurate information on your dental practice’s name, location, address, phone number, contact options, website, and business hours.

Completing your location, contact information, and business hours as mentioned above is not enough. It is also important that you update this information accordingly whenever it changes so that you avoid a situation where a prospective patient reaches out to your practice through information on your Business page, only to find out that it is not accurate as of that time.

If you are a dental practice that operates various offices in Houston, Texas, then it is also important that you upload details of all your ancillary locations through your Facebook Business page so that people can find the practice that is closest to them.

If you run multiple locations in Houston, Texas, as mentioned above, then you should also consider having different Facebook Business pages for each location. This will allow you to run ads and post content that is tailored to each of these locations, helping you reach your audience better.

If you decide to go down the route of having different Facebook pages for each of your locations, then the subject matter experts over at recommend that you a parent Facebook Business page which should be covering your main office, and then child pages for the additional locations. Conversely, you can decide to only run a single Facebook Business page for your primary dental practice, and you can use it to cover your other locations as well.

It is also important that you properly categorize your Facebook Business page so that you can help both search engines and prospective patients know the type of dentistry offered at your practice. You should choose up to 3 categories, ensuring that you choose the 3 that best describes your dental practice.

The History section is located below your cover image and is where you can tell the story of your dental practice. Use this section to tell a compelling story of what sets your dental practice apart from the rest, making sure that you don’t forget to use brand and location keywords in the copy.

You should also consider using an image in the History section, although you should use a different image to your cover and profile images. You can even use this space to promote an offer or event since, as is the case for cover images, you can change the information found here.

The about section is where you write what your dental practice is about, and the services that you offer as explained over at Make sure that you write a compelling and descriptive description here, taking care to include your brand and location keywords again. You should also consider adding a link to your privacy policy just below this section, which is important for any dental practice.

It is also very important that you verify your Business page as this will enhance the credibility and authenticity of your dental practice both on and off Facebook, leading to enhanced visibility. This will give your Facebook Business page a verified badge, which will allow it to show up higher on search results.

You must engage with your audience on Facebook, to build loyalty and trust for your dental practice. This is why you should activate the Visitor Posts section to allow visitors to your page to publish posts. If you want to be safe and avoid spam, you can allow posts from visitors, but review each post before publishing it. Disabling this feature is something you should avoid doing.

Reviews are one of the most important things on your Facebook Business page, as they help show social proof and convince prospective patients just how good your services and products are. This is why, if you are to dominate on Facebook, you should ensure that you activate reviews for your Business Page.

Activating reviews is just the start, once they begin to roll in, the gurus over at insist that you should make a point of replying to every review you get, whether it is positive or negative. Also, when you reply, do so with responses that have been customized for each review and avoid cookie-cutter replies.

You should also activate that Audience Optimization for Posts setting as it will allow you to target specific sections of your Facebook audience when posting, ensuring that your posts are only shown to those people you are intending to show to for the maximum impact.

It is also important that you activate the settings that allow tagging so that other users can tag photos and videos published by your page or to tag your dental practice Facebook page. This will boost the engagements and visibility of your dental practice on the platform, driving more patients to your practice.

You should also ensure that you have messenger activated as it provides patients and prospective patients an avenue to connect with you, ask questions, and get answers. When you activate this feature, make sure that you have someone who can be responding immediately to feedback so that you don’t keep people waiting for responses.

As is covered over at, when you first create a Facebook Business page, you will get a URL that looks like this: Such a URL is not memorable or user-friendly, which is why you should have it customized and get yourself a Facebook username.

It is also important that you take the time to add a call-to-action button to your Facebook Business page so that visitors can know what you want them to do once they engage with your page. Some of the buttons you can add include ‘Call Now’, ‘Book Now’, ‘Send Message’, and so forth.

The last thing you want is for someone who was searching for your dental practice on Facebook to find what appears to be your page, but it isn’t the one you are currently using. This is why you should merge or remove any duplicate business pages so that you can get complete control over your dental practice brand on Facebook

Facebook allows users to schedule posts, which is why you should have a plan for what you will be posting on your page. Always ensure that your plan takes into account the time of the year and the events currently happening or that are on the horizon. For example, you should have a plan for back-to-school time and so forth.

Lastly, the experts over at point out that if you are to dominate on Facebook, then it is paramount that you post regularly on your Facebook Business page. Try and post at least once every day so that you can constantly be on your audience’s thoughts.

Remember, the excellent and are the best agencies to check out in Houston, Texas, if you are looking for help to take the Facebook marketing efforts of your dental office to the next level.

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