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13 Tips to Optimize Your CTA Buttons for Conversion in Houston Texas

13 Tips to Optimize Your CTA Buttons for Conversion in Houston Texas

If you run a site, you need to start focusing on the small things on the landing page and everywhere else there is a CTA button. It can seem small but it could make all the difference. Here are some of the tips that we at RunRex have prepared. We hope that it will help you to grow your conversions.

Ensure that the CTA button looks clickable

If you want to grow your conversions, a great user experience matters. Each action step that a potential customer takes hinges on the CTA button. That is why you need to make it seem clickable without it being overpowered by other elements on the site.

For the CTA button to be clickable, it needs to have a clean and contrasting color, some distinct button text, some white space surrounding it, a rectangular shape, and a complementary border. Do not create good content and then forget that the aim is the call to action.

Check the positioning

Most people move their eyes quite fast, especially when they are trying to find a solution for their issue. When people visit a site, the first thing they do is reading in a horizontal movement, above the fold. Thus, if you place the CTA button there, the click rate could rise. However, there is no right or wrong place to place the button. Just do A/B testing until you find the right position.

Use action-oriented text in the CTA button

The word you use for a CTA button has to entice the visitors to click it. This button has to tell the visitor why they need to click it. Do not use a boring word such as “Enter” or “Submit.” It is important to start the CTA button text with an action verb such as “Download” or “Open.” It will help the visitors to know what they will get if they click the button, which reduces the anxiety.

The CTA button size

For CTA buttons, the bigger the better, if any component on a page is bigger, it is natural that visitors will notice it more. The CTA button is what you need to be more noticeable. Thus, it should be bigger than the rest. The button needs to be large enough so that it gets the attention of visitors but not so big, that it takes over everything else. The point is to make it just large enough so that visitors will not ignore it.

Use power word for the CTA button text

Power words are those that raise emotions in the visitor and inspire them to take action. For instance, when describing a car accident using “smashed” versus “contacted” makes a huge difference. When you use a power word, ensure that it is clear and safe.

Use timing words to create urgency

Most visitors will appreciate any offer that promises to save them time. Ensure that you use words in the CTA button that lead to a feeling of urgency. Most sites have found that the conversion grows by about 30% with a sense of urgency. By creating the sense that there are only a few hours left for the offer to end, you could help to grow the CTA button click rate.

Give them two choices

Humans love to have choices. However, they do not love to have too many of them. Thus, the CTA button on the site should never be more than two. People will feel quite confident when they feel that they had a choice in the decision they make.

Make it obvious that the click button is the next logical step

The button should ideally be the final and only possible action after a long flow of the text. It is not good to confuse the visitors. Keep the button at the bottom and ensure there is some text directing them to click the button.

Invoke a positive emotion in visitors

Ensure that when they see your button, they feel positive emotions about it. You need to avoid placing negative text around CTA button.

Place the CTA button at an optimal position

The CTA button should be placed in an optimal position for the mobile devices and PC devices. It is important to optimize the site for all devices for a good user experience.

Use the “Trial” formula

Most people love free things. Ensure that you include a suggestion that the visitor will get a free trial for clicking. This always gets visitors to click.

Do A/B testing for the color

For the color of your CTA button, you should try various colors for it. When you find the right color, you can then settle on it. However, do some tests every few months.

Add a product image above the button

By placing the product next to the CTA button, this could help to grow the conversion rate. A time-tested practice has been found to work quite well.

RunRex and Call to Action

RunRex is full service digital marketing solutions company that works on all aspect of your site to improve conversion rates. They understand how to configure the CTA button to grow your site’s revenue. They will use various tools combined with experience to ensure that your CTA button is at the optimal place and of the optimal design on your site.

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