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13 of the Funniest, Millennial-Approved Brand Accounts on Twitter

13 of the Funniest, Millennial-Approved Brand Accounts on Twitter

There is no better way than the use of humor to connect with customers and this comes into increased sharp focus when dealing with millennials. Brand accounts on twitter are increasingly having to find ways to appeal to this demographic, the millennials, who are the majority on social media platforms such as Twitter. It is not however as easy as it sounds as what could be described as humor to one person may not be to another. There are however brand accounts that have managed to crack this particular field and this article will look to highlight 13 of them.

Netflix U.S

With over 5 million followers on twitter, the fact that they seem to hit all the right buttons when it comes to memes based on their TV programs has made them extremely popular with millennials. Their sense of humor is always on point and goes hand in hand with the latest trends that are hitting the TV or film scene at a particular moment. They are not outrageous or over the top in their humor, but what they do really well is connect humor with good TV and that is why they stay winning when it comes to millennials.


Their twitter account just grabs you from the off as they have a pretty good bio. They don’t disappoint as they are one of the funniest brand account on twitter. They usually use humor to interact with their customers and followers. There are a number of cases when they have been asked by one of their customers to give them the number of retweets they would require to give out free food and they have given out a number that initially sounds ridiculous but the internet has been able to rally to hit that particular target. This sort of interaction technique has made them really popular with millennials.


They are of the most popular brand accounts on twitter when it comes to millennials as their tweets are usually so random and unexpected that they grab the attention of whoever comes across them. They usually come across like the thoughts of a lonely guy bitten with the love bug with the way they are connected to their product bringing the aspect of humor into it. They are definitely ahead of the game when it comes to Twitter branding.

Innocent drinks

Creating a twitter account for a brand that is all about juice and smoothies and make it interesting especially to millennials may sound challenging but innocent drinks have managed to do just that. They’ve done this by not restricting themselves to posts about drinks but by mostly posting silly, clever, creative and fun posts that goes a long way to cultivate their own brand personality. They are definitely millennial-approved.

DiGiorno Pizza

They combine being strange with being funny making them a major presence among brands on twitter. They mostly tweet about pizza but their delivery is not the traditional way of doing promotions of pizza. They will always look to jump on a popular hashtag and then use their creativity to put a tweet out linking the hashtag to pizza and incorporating humor into it. Looking at the timeline it is easy to see why they are popular with millennials.

Old Spice

When it comes to putting the funny and the ridiculous into market content, then Old Spice takes the crown. When you land on their Twitter page, a glance onto their bio will let you know straight from the gate that you are in for a humorous experience. They are known for making fun of absolutely everything and their silly posts have made them very popular with millennials on Twitter.


They have proven to be a massive success on Twitter mainly because they know their customers and their behavior really well. From pinching their hot sauce to their popularity with inebriated customers and everything in between, they have great knowledge about their base and use this information for humor on their Twitter posts. Their ability of taking cases of people stealing from them and making fun of it on social media has made them extremely popular and definitely millennial-approved.


For a brand whose restaurants have that old-school feel about them, they sure do know how to use modern day humor on Twitter that makes them popular among millennials. They have the ability to make even the saddest of issues appear funny by the way they deliver it with their creativity. They continuously find new and hilarious ways to incorporate pancakes, which is their main product, into their tweets making them one the most popular brand accounts on Twitter.


It takes a special social media team to take something as risqué as underwear and making it fun and hilarious to talk about on Twitter. That is what MeUndies have, a team on twitter that has the ability to deliver tweets on underwear in a way that is hilarious and fun. Their posts are the stuff of legend and it is no surprise that they are popular with millennials.


They are yet another brand account on Twitter that have turned something as unglamorous as bathrooms and turned them into Twitter gold. Their brutal honesty about experiences in bathrooms and their funny Twitter polls make them quite popular. They also know how to make use of current events in their tweets which is another thing that counts towards their popularity on Twitter.

Taco Bell

They make use of their loyal fan-base by taking posts from their fans, adding some humor into them and putting them out there in a way that has those who interact with this brand account in stitches. The way they link relationships with their products is quite hilarious and goes to explain why they are popular with millennials.


They are probably the most engaging brand account on Twitter as you will find that any question you have for them will never go unanswered. However, the way they look to incorporate humor and puns in their replies and interactions is what really makes them popular especially among millennials. Their Twitter strategy is definitely a winning strategy in our eyes.

Curiosity Rover

Taking something as serious as space and science and adding a dash of humor is no mean feat but it is exactly what the team from NASA that runs this account have managed to do. Tweets are in the first person as though they are being live-tweeted from Mars. They tweet out tips and facts on science with a side of humor to ensure that even millennials find this Twitter brand account extremely popular.

The above brand accounts on Twitter have blazed the trail for companies that may be looking to target young people, and by using relevant humor they have done just that. Learning from their practices and experiences is definitely recommended especially if your brand is looking to target millennials on Twitter. For more on this and much more is the place to visit.

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