13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Selena Gomez’s Instagram
13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Selena Gomez’s Instagram
Selena Gomez is one of the most influential personalities on Instagram, with her account having over 180 million followers and counting. This article, with the help of the marketing experts over at runrex.com, will look to list 13 marketing lessons we can learn from her Instagram, with the hope that it will help you massively in your marketing efforts.
Compelling content
While Selena Gomez is not as active on Instagram as the other personalities who are highly followed, when she does post, she offers her followers compelling which is why they stick around. Her posts are always professionally shot as well as beautifully edited, and provide a glimpse of a side of her we rarely see in public. Similarly, if your marketing campaigns are to bear fruit, then as per the experts over at runrex.com, you will need to offer your audience compelling content.
You will struggle to find a celebrity who appears to be as authentic on Instagram as Selena Gomez does. She is always herself, and her fans love her for it, which is why they stay loyal to her, in what is yet another marketing lesson we can learn from her Instagram. As the gurus over at runrex.com will tell you, fans want to associate with authentic brands and will abandon your brand if they feel like you are not.
On top of being authentic, she is also pretty relatable, with her posts, particularly those involving her friends and family, being quite relatable to most people. She might be one of the most popular celebrities out there, but on her Instagram, as a result of her posts, she can appear to be as relatable as they come. The marketing lesson we can learn here, as per the gurus over at runrex.com, is that people will gravitate towards brands they can relate to, and your aim should be to make yours as relatable as possible to your audience.
Get the balance right between promotional content and engaging content
When you go through her Instagram feed, you will discover that Selena Gomez also rarely puts up sponsored content. She knows that over-saturating her feed with sponsored content will put off her followers and has gotten the balance right between putting up engaging content about her life, which her fans love, and promotional content to promote the brands and campaigns she is driving. Similarly, as discussed over at runrex.com, you will have to get this balance right to succeed in your marketing endeavors. Too much promotional content will put off your audience, and too little will mean that you will not be achieving the core goals of your business; to make sales.
The best marketing campaigns are those that sell to the audience without appearing to do so
The promotion she did for Coke, a post which was among the most liked in the History of Instagram, didn’t even tag or name the brand but was still able to give Coke the publicity they were looking for. The marketing lesson we can learn from this post is that the best marketing campaigns are those that market to the audience without appearing to do so, a marketing lesson that the experts over at runrex.com agree with and one that we can learn from Selena Gomez’s Instagram.
Another feature of Selena Gomez on Instagram is that she is always transparent about the brands she engages with, which her fans appreciate, and which also means that when she does feature promotional content, she gets fewer negative reactions. Honesty and transparency are very important when it comes to marketing because if your audience finds out that you were hiding something or weren’t telling them the whole truth, the trust will be broken and they will abandon you, as discussed over at runrex.com.
Selena Gomez also regularly posts photos and videos of her with her famous friends, particularly Taylor Swift, and these posts always do mad numbers in terms of engagements and likes. The marketing lesson we can learn here is how beneficial partnerships can be in marketing; whether you are partnering with influencers or marketing specialists, like those over at runrex.com.
There is such a thing as too much content
Other than not over-saturating her followers with lots of sponsored content, Selena also doesn’t post as regularly as other celebrities, and also regularly takes breaks from Instagram. This also gives her fans a chance to breathe and means that every post she puts up, they will engage with it. When it comes to marketing, particularly content marketing, there is such a thing as too much content, a marketing lesson we can learn here. As per discussions on the same over at runrex.com, too much content will overwhelm your audience and you won’t be able to get the best out of the content even if it is compelling.
Be a voice for good
Selena also regularly puts up inspirational posts on her account as well as adding her voice to worthy causes and movements. This gives her great goodwill while helping strengthen loyalty with her followers on Instagram. Similarly, if your brand can add its voice to god causes and be an agent of positive change in your community, then it will get tremendous goodwill which will also benefit your marketing campaigns, as discussed over at runrex.com.
Video is king
Selena Gomez’s video posts on Instagram do extremely well as compared to any other posts, and her fans regularly look forward to her video posts. This just shows how powerful video is, with the marketing experts over at runrex.com recommending that you incorporate video in your marketing campaigns as much as possible to get the best out of them.
Put your audience first
You can tell that Selena Gomez always puts her followers first, as not only does she resist the urge to bombard them with promotional content, she also always engages and posts pictures of her interacting with them, and gives them what they want; which is an intimate look into her personal life. Similarly, you will only succeed in your marketing endeavors if you put your audience first, a marketing lesson the gurus over at runrex.com agree with.
Be consistent with your brand messages and voice
Selena Gomez is also pretty consistent with what she posts on her Instagram, which means that her fans know exactly what to expect of her. She has a look and an image on Instagram and she rarely goes away from it. Likewise, if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit, you will need to be consistent with your brand messages and voice, to ensure you don’t confuse your audience, as is discussed over at runrex.com.
She also regularly holds contests on her Instagram, allowing her fans to win some pretty cool merchandise and goodies. Contests are extremely beneficial when it comes to marketing as not only do they help increase brand visibility, they also help increase engagements, as per the experts over at runrex.com.
These are some of the marketing lessons we can learn from Selena Gomez’s Instagram, with more on this and other related topics to be found over at runrex.com.