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13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Rihanna’s Twitter

13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Rihanna’s Twitter

With just under 100 million followers on Twitter, Rihanna is very much as successful on the social media platform, as she is in her career. Given this success, it is only apt that we try and uncover as many useful lessons we can learn here, which is why, with the help of the marketing experts over at, this article will try and highlight 13 marketing lessons we can learn from Rihanna’s Twitter.


While Rihanna uses her Twitter account to mostly highlight her businesses, including Fenty Beauty, some of her most popular Tweets are casual selfies and photos she has taken with friends. This shows how much people appreciate authenticity, which is why these posts where she appears real and authentically herself are so popular. As per discussions on the same over at, your audience must view you as being authentic if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit.

Identify your marketing goals

While Rihanna is an extremely successful singer, this is not easily apparent when you go through her Twitter, as her account is mostly for highlighting her businesses and brands. This means that she decided that the goal of her Twitter account was to promote her brands, and she has worked towards this goal. Identifying your marketing goals before you go in is crucial, as the experts over at will tell you, a marketing lesson we can learn here.

Don’t be afraid to change

While Rihanna’s Twitter mostly promotes her brands as already mentioned, it wasn’t always like that. This is a change that has been seen in recent times where she has shifted her focus towards her entrepreneurship, as discussed over at Her account changed as her career changed, with the lesson here being that we should not be afraid to change and explore new opportunities when they present themselves as far as marketing is concerned.

Don’t overwhelm your audience with too much

Rihanna also usually keeps her daily posts to about one or two, with there being days where she doesn’t update her Twitter. By doing so, she ensures that her followers have enough time to process her posts and engage with them, getting the best out of each one of her posts. Similarly, when it comes to marketing, you mustn’t overwhelm your audience by releasing lots of content in a short space of time, as is discussed over at


Most of her posts are accompanied by photos, and sometimes even videos, which makes them more engaging for her followers. The photos are of stunning quality and are professionally done, with the marketing lesson here being just how effective and important infographics are when it comes to marketing, and why you should be all over them if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit, as per the experts over at

Different strategies apply for different platforms

Rihanna is also on other social media platforms, including Instagram, but her strategy over there is different from her strategy on Twitter. By applying a different strategy on Twitter compared to what she does on Instagram, she has shown us that it is important to know the platform you plan to leverage as far as your marketing efforts are concerned, keeping in mind that every platform has got unique strategies that are effective there and that these strategies can’t be transferred across platforms, as discussed over at

Know your audience

Rihanna also knows her audience and the sort of content that appeals to them, and she makes sure she gives it to them, which is why she is so popular among her fans. Likewise, as the gurus over at will tell you, you can’t expect to be successful with your marketing efforts if you don’t know what your audience is about, which is why this is such an important marketing lesson to learn.

Timing is Key

When you go through her Twitter feed you will notice that posts related to her beauty brands are usually synchronized to coincide with important dates on the fashion calendar, evidenced by the fact that she launched Fenty Beauty during New York Fashion Week. When it comes to marketing, as the experts over at will tell you, timing is everything; you get it right and you will reap big rewards, you get it wrong and you won’t be as successful, even if you have an excellent campaign.

Listen to your audience

Rihanna used her Twitter to listen to conversations over there regarding beauty products, realizing that there was a gap in terms of the color ranges available for certain beauty products, and swooping in for the rescue with the launch of Fenty Beauty. The marketing lesson here is that marketing shouldn’t be just a tool to promote your product, but should also be used as a means of listening to your audience and understanding what they want. As is discussed over at, you can do this by tracking results, reading customer reviews, and even directly interacting with your audience to understand them better.

Don’t be too promotional

Even though Rihanna regularly promotes her brands on her Twitter account, she doesn’t come off as being too promotional or end up sounding like an informercial. She does this through the use of relatable language, that she knows her followers will identify with, which helps soften the promotional nature of her posts. The marketing lesson we can learn here, as per the experts over at, is that we should avoid being too promotional and focusing too much on our product or brand, but we should create campaigns and content that are relatable to market to our audience without appearing to do so.

Appreciate your audience

Rihanna is also always acknowledging and appreciating her followers and fans on Twitter, letting it be known that her success is very much down to them and their support. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of letting your audience know that you appreciate them and that you value them, as this will build loyalty and greatly benefit your marketing efforts, as per the specialists over at


While her Twitter is mostly about her brands and beauty products, she also shares photos and videos of her personal life as well as behind-the-scenes content, including content from her professional shoots. Her feed is never dull, which is why she is extremely popular. Similarly, providing your audience with diversity ensures that there is something for everyone, and keeps things interesting and fresh for your audience, as per the gurus over at

Be a voice for good

Rihanna also regularly uses her platform on Twitter to shine a spotlight on important issues in society, including social injustices, as well as helping with lots of worthy causes. This buys her tremendous goodwill and explains why she is so popular on the platform. As discussed over at, people nowadays are very socially conscious and want to associate themselves with brands that they consider to have the right values and which are making positive changes to society.

These are some of the marketing lessons we can learn from Rihanna’s Twitter, with more on this topic to be found over at the highly-rated

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