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13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Narendra Modi’s Twitter

13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Narendra Modi’s Twitter

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has over 36 million followers on Twitter, making him one of the most popular world leaders on the platform. Given these numbers, there are several lessons we can learn from his popularity on the platform, including marketing lessons. To that effect, with the help of the marketing experts over at, this article will look to list 13 marketing lessons we can learn from Narendra Modi’s Twitter.

Know your audience

Prime Minister Modi knows who his audience is, and his tweets reflect this fact, which is why his account is popular. He knows that his audience mostly includes supporters of his party, and he uses his account to advance the agenda that got him elected, fostering loyalty in the process. Similarly, as the gurus over at will tell you if you are to succeed with your marketing efforts, you should make sure that you know your audience and what it is they want so that you can be able to give it to them.

Speak your audience’s language

Tweets on Prime Minister Modi’s account are mostly either in English or in Hindi, a sign that shows that he knows how to communicate with his audience. For your marketing efforts to bear fruit, you will need to communicate in the language of your audience, both literally and figuratively, as discussed over at This is a marketing lesson we can learn from the Prime Minister’s Twitter.

Emotional connection

By tweeting words of encouragement and inspiration to his followers, Prime Minister Narendra is tapping into their emotions, creating an emotional connection with them that cultivates loyalty. Having marketing campaigns that elicit emotion from your audience is crucial if you are to be successful, as is revealed in discussions on the same over at


The Prime Minister uses his Twitter to regularly inform his followers about what he is up to as well as his whereabouts. He keeps his followers informed, while also telling them about his milestones and achievements. The marketing lesson we can learn here is the importance of providing your audience with information about your product or service. As the experts over at will tell you, the more they know, the more trust they will have in your brand.

Choose the right platform

His decision to get on Twitter showed that he understood that, as a politician, Twitter would serve him well as compared to say Instagram or Snapchat. Similarly, if you are to be successful with your marketing efforts, choosing the right platform for your brand is crucial, as, if you choose the wrong one, even if you have excellent strategies, they won’t be as successful, a sentiment shared by the experts over at

Crossing channels

Prime Minister Modi also regularly posts links to his website and his app, allowing his followers to access speeches, books and blogs posted there. This is a marketing technique that is proving popular as it allows one to be able to reach audiences from other platforms, further growing one’s popularity, as is discussed over at


On a related note, Prime Minister Modi exhibits excellent use of call-to-actions on his Twitter, where he provides his followers with links so that they can take action. Call-to-actions are crucial as they ensure that you can benefit from your marketing efforts, as per the experts over at

Provide value

The Prime Minister also provides his followers with great value, by making sure they can access his speeches and his blogs, as already mentioned earlier on. The marketing lesson we can take here is the importance of providing your audience with real value, particularly when it comes to your content marketing efforts. This, as per the experts over at, will make them stay and will build loyalty.

Get the balance right between engaging content and promotional content

When you take a look at his Twitter feed, you will notice that his tweets strike a perfect balance between those that inspire and engage his followers, and those elaborating on his achievements and milestones. He knows that he can’t tweet exclusively about his milestones, but he also knows that his account can’t be all about inspirational tweets. He has got the balance right, and the marketing lesson we can learn here, as explained over at, is the importance of getting the balance right between engaging content and content that promotes your brand.

Embrace new technology

The fact that a politician who is over the age of 60 not only embraced Twitter but also created his app which he invites people to download through his Twitter account, shows us that we should embrace new technology, another marketing lesson we can take from Prime Minister Modi’s Twitter. As per the experts over at, if you are late to embrace new technology and trends when they come out, then you risk being left behind by your competitors.

Interact with your audience

Prime Minister Modi regularly posts videos and photos of him interacting directly with the people of India, which paints him as caring about what the people think and want. Similarly, if your marketing campaigns are to be successful, then you will have to try as much as possible to interact and engage with your audience, something the experts over at agree with.

Put your audience first

When you go through the Prime Minister’s Twitter feed, you will notice that he always talks about putting the people of India first in all his decisions. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that, if your marketing efforts are to bear fruit, you will need to put your audience first; making decisions that put their needs first, as is discussed over at

The power of visuals

Prime Minister Modi also regularly uses some very powerful images to go along with his posts, which help engage his audience even more, with the posts with photos and videos having more engagements than those that are purely text. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that infographics are a powerful tool when it comes to marketing, one that you have to leverage if you are to be successful, according to the experts over at

The discussion above only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned, and you can uncover more by visiting the excellent

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