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13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Barack Obama’s Twitter

13 Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Barack Obama’s Twitter

With well over 120 million followers, Barack Obama is among the most popular people on Twitter, a platform he has been on since 2015. This article, with the help of the gurus over at, will look to take a look at why he has been so successful on the platform and translate this to 13 marketing lessons we can learn from Barack Obama’s Twitter.

Make your first impression count

President Obama’s first-ever Twitter post was a memorable one, and was among the most retweeted and liked at the time, and helped him announce his entrance into the social media platform, as discussed over at The marketing lesson we can learn here is that first impressions count, particularly since people see hundreds of ads daily, and if your marketing efforts are to be fruitful, you should make sure you leave a great first impression.

Be authentic

Barack Obama also comes out as being extremely authentic on his Twitter account, and you can tell that he is not putting a front. People will always gravitate towards brands they feel are authentic as discussed over at, and if your marketing campaigns are to succeed, you should try as much as possible to make sure your audience view you as being authentic.

Be relatable

Even though he is among the most powerful people on the planet, his posts on Twitter make him appear very relatable to his followers. From photos of his family to photos sharing opinions on what he would like in his guacamole, his Twitter posts try and make him as relatable to his followers. As per the gurus over at, it is important to make sure your audience can relate to your brand if your marketing efforts can bear fruit, a marketing lesson we can learn from Barack Obama’s Twitter.

Be a voice for good

Barack Obama regularly uses his Twitter account to shine a spotlight on some worthy causes as well as social injustices; always striving for a more equal society, and this has helped him get a bigger audience on the platform. Using your brand’s voice for good and as an agent of positive change in society will buy you tremendous goodwill that will benefit your marketing efforts as well, as is revealed in discussions over at

Interact with your audience

Barack Obama also tries as possible to interact with his followers and those who tweet him, which allows him to connect and build a relationship with his followers. Likewise, you should try and interact with your target audience as much as possible, as this will help you build a connection that will greatly benefit your marketing endeavors, according to the experts over at

Offer your audience compelling and engaging content

Even though he is a former president, Barack Obama offers his followers compelling content, including posting his presidential iPhone playlist, which is why he is among the most followed personalities on Twitter. The marketing lesson we can learn here, as is discussed over at, is the importance of providing your audience with compelling and engaging content if you are to attract and keep their attention.

Offer your audience value

Other than the compelling and interesting content he provides his follower, Barack Obama also regularly posts educational articles, providing his followers with great value. As the gurus over at will tell you, providing your audience with real value is what will make them want to stay, creating loyalty that will benefit your marketing efforts.

Have an identity for your brand

Barack Obama has also used his Twitter account to create an online persona of being a “husband and a dad” and not just the former president of the U.S. The marketing lesson we can learn here is how important it is for your brand to have an identity, as this will help your audience identify with you and connect with, as is revealed in discussions over at

Be consistent with your identity

Not only has Barack Obama cultivated his own Twitter persona, but he has also been consistent with it, which is another marketing lesson we can learn from his Twitter. It is not enough to have a brand identity and a voice, you have to be consistent with it if you are to build a loyal following, a sentiment the experts over at agree with.

Be transparent

By posting a behind-the-scenes look at some of his momentous occasions, including his campaigns and the night he won re-election, Barack Obama was being transparent with his follows, and they massively appreciated it. Transparency is just as important when it comes to marketing, as per the experts over at, and you will lose trust pretty quickly if your audience perceives you as not being transparent, which will damage your marketing campaigns.

Timing is everything

Barack Obama always puts up his tweets during peak hours to make sure that they reach as many people as possible. The marketing lesson we can learn here is that timing is important when it comes to marketing, a point backed up by the gurus over at Make sure you get the timing right if your campaigns are to be successful.


Barack Obama has also retweeted and been retweeted by lots of famous people on Twitter, which has helped expand his reach on the platform. This shows just how beneficial partnerships can be in marketing, be it partnerships with influencers, other brands or marketing experts like those over at, a marketing lesson we can learn from his Twitter.

The power of visuals

Some of his most popular posts have included photos and videos, which shows that visual content continues to rule, an important marketing lesson worth learning. As per discussions on the same over at, content with infographics is more engaging and compelling to their audience, something to keep in mind as you embark on your marketing campaigns.

Remember, if you are looking for more information on this topic, or help with your marketing campaigns, then the experts over at have got you covered.

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