13 Assumptions That Can Kill Conversions in Houston Texas
13 Assumptions That Can Kill Conversions in Houston Texas
You might be wondering what makes people look at your landing page, like what you have to offer, but close the page and seek the same thing you were offering somewhere else. The most common cause of low conversion rates is lack of proper research.
Assumptions come second.
Most online businesses approach when it comes to increasing their conversion rates is “who knows it might just work let’s try it”, and when it does not work, this process is repeated.
This article points out some of those assumptions that will negatively affect your conversion rates.
If I follow my competitors I will make it too
When your conversion rates are not as high and you are not sure what to do, you might try taking an easy way out.
While it is good to know what your competitors are doing, copying them is a step in the wrong direction. Maybe they might have copied their strategy from someone else. The best thing is to put yourself in your client’s shoes and figure out how best to promote your brand.
If I follow tactics provided by blog posts and optimized case studies I will succeed
It is good to read and know tactics that can be used to boost your conversion but do not follow them blindly. Anyone can come up with numbers but the most important question is can we trust these numbers.
Additionally, every website and its audiences are different. It is best to base your test on your own research. Do not rely on internet sources and case studies.
I should test everything
This is something that many digital marketers will tell you to do.
This is not only time consuming but costly too. Focus your efforts on testing ideas that really affect conversion rates on your site such as content, page design, CTAs, and other important factors.
More conversions always lead to more sales
This is something most of us assume. After all we reason, more conversions are always better. This might not be always the case. Sometimes you need to concentrate on the few users you have who are likely to turn to buyers. More users signing up for your email alerts might be harder to manage and most of them might turn out to be just followers. Sometimes it’s good to stick with quality rather than quantity.
My great idea will work
We all have had a great idea that we were sure if we implemented it, it would result in increased conversions. However once you implemented it, this was not the case.
This is why you need to test. We did say you do not have to test everything, but do not be too confident to permanently implement new ideas. Test them first and save yourself some agony.
My frequent customers have the best opinion of my site
Your friends, family members, and loyal customers will always be your cheerleaders. They will tell you about your great product and site, but they might not offer what you need to hear.
Seek the opinion of prospects who are not buying from you. Ask them why and where you need to improve. This kind of feedback will help you.
I do not need data to make a decision
Many online businesses cannot hold off the pressure to implement something without ample data. If you choose to test an idea, wait for the data before making a decision. If you implement something too early or draw the wrong conclusion from a test, you might hurt your business.
I only need to invest in great content production
While it is true that great content will attract more visitors, you need more than this to rank on top of search engines. Do more research or hire an expert to help you rank at the top to ensure visitors click on your page.
If only I can optimize my site for mobile users
It is true that mobile phone traffic has increased due to the use of smartphones. However, do not assume these are the only clients who are more likely to convert. Research shows desktop conversion rates are higher even today. Do not focus all your effort on getting mobile users to convert.
If I use security and trust badges, buyers will have more confidence in me
If you are an e-commerce site, you have probably been told that security badges on your payment pages will boost buyer’s confidence. However, research shows that if you keep reminding your buyers of potential online risks, it makes them more concerned about these risks. Test out different trust factors before implementing them on your site to help you know their effect.
More testimonials will lead to more conversion
Testimonials are supposed to help you. However, if you have sketchy, very generic, or poorly attributed testimonials you are likely to hurt your conversion rates. Include the customer’s picture to the testimonial or leverage the testimonials left by customers on trusted sites such as Facebook, Yelp, and Twitter among others.
I do not need users reviews
Good and bad reviews are better than no reviews. Reviews on a product improve sales as they increase the trust on your product. Streamline your product review process to mobile users. This is likely to get you more reviews.
I can do it on my own
Most business will keep making the same mistakes because they are not willing to hire an expert. You can exponentially increase your conversion rates if you bring in a conversion expert such as RunRex in your team. At RunRex we have worked with others and have more ideas for your business. Our skilled digital marketing experts know the best strategies to increase your site conversion rates. Rather than trying and failing, try us for winning solutions