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12 Ingredients of a Legitimate Golfer

12 Ingredients of a Legitimate Golfer

Not everyone who plays a game of golf once in a while is a legitimate golfer. Authentic golfers are characterised by several properties that seem to come naturally to them. Here is an insight into 12 common traits that distinguish legitimate golfers from amateurs. 

Unflinching Confidence

Every legitimate golfer likes to think of himself/herself as the best, in spite of the fact that only a few can boast of this distinction. They are always confident that they can make every hole and overcome the most formidable barriers. They are even confident away from the golf course – golf is said to be a rich man’s game, after all. 

However, the confidence builds up over time since everyone has to start off as an amateur. 

Morally Reputable

Few sports are as dignified as golfing. It is a sport that captivates Presidents and scholars, and many CEOs close some of the most significant deals on the golf course. Legitimate golfers are usually smart personalities who are dignified and have a good reputation in the society. 

To get a perspective of how highly legitimate golfers are regarded, consider the recent incident where golf star Tiger Woods was caught asleep behind the wheel. It made international news headlines, but he was eventually exonerated as being ill – see, still smart.


Golfing does not take the strength of speed. Instead, it takes a creative and intelligent mind. The golfer has to make complicated calculation regarding how far and high to hit the ball, taking into account factors such as grass and wind. Factor in aspects such as sand and water barriers and the game becomes even more complicated. As such, golf is a game for smart people, and legitimate golfers are exceptionally smart and creative.  


Given a chance, most legitimate and passionate golfers would spend most of their time on the golf course. It is like they are obsessed with the game, and they don’t seem to get tired of it. In fact, most legitimate golfers will travel continents to catch crucial games whenever the golfing season kicks off. They tend to know all the players, their points, and even some aspects of their personal lives – that’s fixation. 


Those who don’t appreciate golfing often claim that it is boring. They don’t seem to notice anything other than people hitting balls with clubs. However, a legitimate golfer keeps track of every aspect of the sport. 

Legitimate golf players, in particular, are endowed with high concentration considering that a game can last several hours or even stretch out to several days. 


It is up to debate, but it is arguable that golfers are more precise than soccer players. Imagine having to hit a tiny ball into an equally small hole several yards away. You have to calculate the distance all from perception and measure the strength of your swing to get perfect shot into a hole or close enough – in fact; some golfers have made perfect holes from yards away.    


There is no tussling in golfing, unlike with most other sports. Every golfer has to wait for his/her turn to take a swing at the ball, and many golfers tend to take their time with a shot. Considering that a game of golf may involve several players – and as many as ten holes at a go – it goes without saying that golfers are incredibly patient. It is even more amazing considering that golfers are somewhat selfish with the ball.  


Golfers occasionally appreciate a solo game of golf, but they all agree that the thrill of golfing lies in competition. They like to outdo each other and establish dominance. What’s more, their competitive skills go beyond the golf course to the real world including in business – the ideal aspect of this phenomenon is notable CEO golfers. 

Organized and Picky 

A legitimate golfer hits the golf course well equipped with what he/she needs to play the perfect game. It includes a variety of clubs, tees, and everything else required for the game. What’s more, different situations call for various equipment (varying types of clubs), and golfers have to be picky about the ideal club for the game. Arguably, golfers are also picky in real life. 


It may sound controversial, but most (and possibly all) of the notable legitimate golfers are successful – financially, at least. They seem to be endowed with excellent business skills, and many of them are professionals in some of the most prestigious occupations. Besides, golf pays quite handsomely for pro golfers – to put it into perspective, Tiger Wood is one of the highest paid athletes.  


For most legitimate golfers, the world seems to revolve around them – at least the world of golf. They always want to be in the centre stage often for good performance, and they never seem to dwell too much on crediting their opponents. 

Emotionally Stable

There has to be a winner and a loser in golfing. However, you will rarely see golfers break down for losing a game, in spite of the numerous hours of patience and concentration they have to put into it – in fact, they will often smile or put on their poker face. 

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