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10 Ways to Find a Tax Lawyer Near Me

10 Ways to Find a Tax Lawyer Near Me

There are a number of instances when you may need the services of a tax lawyer, either for you personally or for your business, and these, as is discussed in detail over at, include if you have run into problems with IRS among other issues. If you are wondering how you can find one, then you are in the right place as this article will look to help by highlighting 10 ways through which you can find a tax lawyer near you.

Ask friends and family for recommendations

Chances are that some of your friends and family have needed the help of a tax lawyer in the past and have worked with one or two. Therefore, the gurus over at recommend that, as a tip to finding a tax lawyer near you, you ask your friends and family for referrals. Even if they haven’t worked with one, they may know one themselves and they be able to help you in your quest of finding one near you.

Ask colleagues and other acquaintances

Other than friends and family, other people in your life such as workmates, neighbors and other acquaintances may be a great help in your quest to find a tax lawyer near you. Some of them may have worked with a tax lawyer before or they may know one, and are therefore also well placed to give you a referral of tax lawyers in your area, which is why you should consider asking them when looking for one.

Ask for referrals from any lawyers you know

Lawyers live among us and chances are you know one, either as your friend, relative, neighbor, former classmate and so forth. If you happen to know one, then, as per the gurus over at, another way through which you can find a tax lawyer near you is by asking them for referrals. They don’t necessarily have to be practicing tax law themselves, as even if they don’t, they most likely have a network of tax lawyers they know or work with, who they will be well placed to recommend to you.

Ask referrals from related professionals

Matters relating to taxes involve a number of professionals, not only lawyers, and you can ask these other professionals for referrals when looking for a tax lawyer near you. As per discussions on the same over at, these other professionals include bankers and accountants and therefore when looking for a tax lawyer near you, a pro tip is to ask your banker or accountant to give you a referral as chances are they know one or two of them professionally as they operate in the same circles basically.

Perform a Google search

Yet another way through which you can be able to find a tax lawyer near you is by simply going over to Google, or any other search engine of your choice, and conducting a search for the same. As per the gurus over at, this will give you results containing many tax lawyers in your locale, and should allow you to then conduct research on the various options you have been presented with, allowing you to end up with one or two that you feel are the right fit for you.

Contact your state or local bar association

As per discussions on the same over at, another way to find a tax lawyer near you is to call your state or local bar association. By doing so, you will be connected to a number of certified tax lawyers in your area. You could also just simply visit their website where you are likely to find a list of all the licensed tax lawyers in your area, allowing you to chose the one you feel will be the best fit for you.

Check out the American College of Board Certified Attorneys website

As per the subject matter experts over at, it is crucial that you look for a certified and licensed tax lawyer for the best outcomes. Therefore, another way through which you can find a tax lawyer near you is by visiting the American College of Board Certified Attorneys website. There, you will find a search tool that will allow you to look for tax attorneys practicing in your area, and you can use the filters to narrow down your search results to your preferences. You should also visit the website of the Tax Law Association, which also provides the same services.


Online business directory services and review forums such as Yelp are increasingly becoming a great resource when looking for local businesses and services. This is why the gurus over at recommend that you use Yelp as yet another way through which you can find a tax lawyer near you. All you have to do is conduct a search on their website or through their app, and you will get results of the tax lawyers practicing in your area. You will also get to see how each lawyer has been reviewed by former clients, which will be of great help in choosing the right one for you.

Leverage the power of online legal directories

There are a number of online legal directories, such as, among many others as discussed over at, where you can go to and look for tax lawyers near you. These directories have got extensive databases, with tax lawyers from across the country and are another great way through which you can be able to find one near you. Just make sure that you do your research and only use trusted online directories.

Check out the websites of related professional organizations

Other than the websites of the College of Board Certified Attorneys and the Tax Law Association, another way through which you can find a tax lawyer near you is by visiting the websites of related professional organizations like the National Organization of Tax Professionals, and other such websites. Here, you will find search directories that will help you to find tax lawyers working in your area. With the added advantage that you will only find qualified, reputable, experienced and licensed tax lawyers.

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