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10 Ways to Find a Patent Lawyer Near Me

10 Ways to Find a Patent Lawyer Near Me

If you come up with an idea or an invention, then the gurus over at, recommend that you get it protected otherwise someone else may end up reaping the fruits of your labor. A patent lawyer can go a long way in ensuring a good outcome as far as this is concerned, and if you are looking for one, this article should be of great help as it will look to highlight 10 ways through which you can be able to find a patent lawyer near you.

Head over to the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, USPTO, website

Although the USPTO does not recommend patent attorneys, for obvious reasons, it does offer a listing of registered attorneys on their website to help out those seeking such services. This is why the gurus over at recommend that you head over there as a way to finding a patent lawyer near you. Their search tool has got various filters that will help narrow down your search down and ensure that you only end up with patent lawyers from your area. From there, you will have to research more deeply so as to end up with one you feel is the right fit for you.

Leverage the power of inventor’s clubs or groups in your area

Another way through which you can be able to find a patent lawyer near you is by joining an inventor’s club or group in your area and asking the members to recommend for you a patent lawyer near you. If you are wondering how you can find such a group or club, then all you have to do is head over to the United Inventors Association website, where you will find a search tool that will enable you to search for clubs and groups in your area.

Perform a Google search

As per the gurus over at, a simple but effective way through which you can be able to find a patent lawyer near you is by simply carrying out a search on Google, or any other search engine you may prefer. This way you will find a number of patent lawyers operating in your area and you can then proceed to whittle down your list by researching the various options you have been presented with, ensuring that you end up with a patent lawyer you feel is the right fit for you. When you choose to go with a Google search, make sure you do your homework afterwards to ensure that you get the best services possible at the end of it all

Use online legal directories

As is discussed in detail over at, online directories are becoming a powerful tool for those looking for local businesses and services. Therefore, one of the ways through which you can be able to find a patent lawyer near you is by using a reliable online legal directory such as, among others. These directories have got excellent search tools on their websites, with useful filters that will help you narrow down your search results to only contain patent lawyers near you, and most importantly, they can be trusted.

Call your state or local bar association

As per the gurus over at, one of the most reliable ways to find a lawyer is to call your local or state bar association. This way you will be connected to a reputable and licensed law professional and therefore if you are looking for a patent lawyer near you, then another way through which you can find one is by reaching out to your local or state bar association, either by calling or by visiting their website.

Referrals from friends and family

Another way through which you can be able to find a patent lawyer near you is by simply asking friends and family for referrals. As per the folks over at, chances are that either one of your friends or family members has worked with one before, or they know one, and they will then give you recommendations on the same.

Ask colleagues

Most people get access to important services through referrals from colleagues at the office. Therefore, the subject matter experts over at recommend that, as yet another way to find a patent lawyer near you, you ask your workmates for referrals. There is every chance that one of them has either worked with one or they know one and will therefore be able to refer you to them, while also sharing with you their experience as far as working with said patent lawyer goes.

Ask the lawyers you may know

It is also very likely that you know a lawyer or two; maybe they are your friend, neighbor, family member or you went to school with them. If this is the case, another way through which you can find a patent lawyer near you is for asking them to give you referrals, something the gurus over at agree with. If you are lucky, they could even be patent lawyers themselves, but even if they aren’t, they most likely still know patent lawyers in your area and will therefore be in a great position to give you referrals on the same.


Yelp is a great resource when it comes to looking for local businesses and services, and patent lawyers are no exception. This is why the folks over at recommend that you head over to yelp when looking to find a patent lawyer near you. You can access their services either through their website or their app, from where you can search for patent attorneys in your area and choose the one who practices in your area of interest. Yelp also provides reviews from former clients which will enable you to choose the one you feel is the right fit for you.

Google Maps

You can also take advantage of the technology available to you to find a patent lawyer near you, with Google Maps being an excellent resource for this. Just fire up your Google Maps app on our phone and search for a patent lawyer in your area, and not only will you be provided with search results containing the various patent lawyers in your area, you will also get directions on how to get to their offices and other useful pieces of information.

The above discussion is just the tip of a very large iceberg and you can uncover more on the same as well as more on related topics by checking out the ever reliable

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