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10 Ways Texas Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus

10 Ways Texas Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus

The state of Texas, like any other state in the U.S., has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and with the restrictions put in place to stop the spread of the virus, local businesses have been part of the collateral damage of this health crisis as is covered in detail over at In order to survive, these local businesses have had to adopt and this article will look to show how they have by highlighting 10 ways Texas local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis.

Taking advantage of resources made available by the state

Just like any other state that has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, as is covered in detail over at, the great state of Texas has made resources available to local businesses to help them deal with the financial strain put on them by the crisis. Local businesses are for instance eligible for loans through the SBA EIDL, and we are seeing more and more of them taking up this option, taking up these easily available loans to help with the running costs of their businesses.


Another thing that we are seeing from local businesses in Texas, one that is helping them deal with the coronavirus crisis is an increase in teleworking. This has been necessitated by the need for social-distancing to help stop the spread of the virus, and as such businesses are looking to offer their services virtually through video streaming if possible. From dentistry with teledentistry to physical therapists offering treatment virtually, teleworking is a resource that is helping many local businesses in Texas cope with the current crisis.

Remote working

On a related tangent, yet another way through which local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by having employees work from home if possible. As is covered in detail over at, this not only helps keep employees safe from the virus, as it allows them to social-distance, it also ensures that the businesses maintain some of their operations, particularly those they deem to be crucial ones.

Embracing home delivery

In a move that is mostly seen with restaurants and eateries as per discussions on the same over at, another way through which local businesses in Texas are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is by changing the way they deliver their products by switching to home deliveries and take-outs. Businesses that are doing home deliveries are becoming more and more popular with customers who would prefer to stay at home where it is safe, hence why most businesses are switching to this form of delivery if possible.

Taking business online

Yet another way through which local businesses in Texas are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is by switching their businesses from brick and mortar to online. As is covered over at, this means that those businesses that already had platforms that offer online services are ramping up their efforts on those platforms while those that didn’t have are having to get set up on the same. Switching to online allows these businesses to continue operating by providing goods and services to their clients without having them physically come to their stores.

Changes in operational hours

Yet another way through which businesses are adopting to the current crisis is by making changes to their operation hours. This, as per the folks over at, has been done in order to adopt to the changing reality that people are out and about rarely, and mostly only during the day. Some have even had to reduce their operation hours in order to make time for deep-cleanings of their stores, while others have introduced special hours where they only serve the elderly, who are the most vulnerable group during this crisis.

Putting in measures to keep customers safe

Local authorities have put in place measures which local businesses have to adhere to if they are to continue operating, with Texas being no exception. From putting up hand sanitizing stations, to introducing social-distancing measures where customers and employees should be at least a given distance apart, and many others as covered over at, local businesses in Texas have had to fall in line with the given directives to continue operating and this is yet another way they are dealing with the current pandemic.

Reaping the rewards of loyalty

Most local business in Texas have strong support from loyal customers who have been keen to support their favorite local business through this crisis to ensure they don’t go under. Businesses are therefore making gift cards and vouchers available to their customers, through their websites, email and so forth, who can then purchase the same in yet another way local businesses in Texas are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The gurus over at recommend that you start leveraging the power of loyalty by making available vouchers and gift cards to your loyal customers to enable them to help you if you are not doing so already.

Renegotiating terms of important contracts

Many businesses have to deal with costs such as rent and payment of interest on loans they may have taken; things that may be difficult to do due to the financial crunch brought about by the coronavirus crisis. To help deal with this, as per discussions on the same over at, local businesses in Texas are looking to negotiate the terms of these contracts, trying to see if they can get some relief or can have them restructured in a way that will enable them pay later.

Helping out their community

As a local business, it is important that you are seen as helping and not taking advantage of the current situation and that is what we are seeing with most local businesses in Texas. The sense of community in the state of Texas has always been great, and most local businesses are dealing with the current pandemic by helping out their communities with donations, particularly to the vulnerable members of the community, earning good will while at it.

Don’t forget to head over to the ever reliable if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics.

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