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10 Ways New York Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus

10 Ways New York Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus

The state of New York has been the worst hit state in the U.S. as far as the coronavirus crisis is concerned, which means that businesses here have also been hit hard compared to any other state. As per discussions on the same over at, they have had to make changes in how they operate to remain afloat and this article will look to take a closer look at this by highlighting 10 ways New York local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis.

Changes in how they deliver products and services

As per the directions by the authorities in New York, businesses, particularly restaurants and bars, are required to only do take-out services which has meant that local businesses have had to adopt as seen in discussions on the same over at We are seeing businesses change the way they deliver their products and services, switching to modes of delivery such as home delivery, virtual web-based delivery and so forth in order to ensure they are in line with the regulations and that they keep customers safe.

Changes in operation hours

In order to comply with the regulations that have been put in place by New York state and local authorities, another way through which local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by making changes to their operating hours, with most of them reducing their operating hours. The reduction in operating hours has also helped allow for deep-cleanings of the stores, which has helped stop the spread of the virus. We have also seen stores introduce special hours for the elderly, to make sure that they are served while being kept safe.

Putting in place policies to help safeguard staff and customers

As per discussions on the same over at, customers want to know that they will be safe when they visit your business and to that effect one way through which local businesses in New York have moved to deal with the coronavirus pandemic is by putting in place measures that ensure that customers and employees are kept safe from the virus. These include introducing social distancing measures to ensure that there is space between people in the store, performing regular deep-cleanings, putting up hand sanitizing stations and so forth.

Providing paid sick leave

As per discussions on the same over at, sick employees will keep it to themselves and still show up at work if they are afraid of losing much-needed income. To counter this, another way New York local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by ensuring that they provide their employees with paid sick leave. This ensures that employees continue getting paid, earning a living, while at the same time preventing the spread of the disease.

Make use of state and local resources

As is covered in more detail over at, New York recently launched an Employee Retention Grant Program so as to help local businesses retain employees even as they face decreased revenue making it difficult to pay staff. This is a very useful resource and is one many New York local businesses are leveraging as they attempt to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.

Getting help from the local community

Many New Yorkers have been keen to help out local businesses to ensure that they don’t go under due to the financial crunch caused by the current coronavirus crisis. As per discussions on the same over at, there are a number of ways through which businesses can get help from the local community, including gift cards and vouchers, which are made available for their customers to purchase. Another way through which local businesses in New York are seeking help is through crowdfunding, allowing loyal customers to help through online fundraising.

Taking advantage of the power of social media

As is discussed over at, with people at home, social media has become a great tool for businesses to reach out to their customers as well as put themselves in front of their audience. This is one way through which local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis, that is ramping up their efforts on social media. From posting video content to holding online contests for clients and so forth, more and more local New York businesses are leveraging the power of social media to market their businesses.

Making use of incentives and discounts

There can be no denying that business is low with most people staying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. In order to stimulate business, another way through which local businesses in New York are dealing with the current crisis is by offering discounts and incentives to their customers. As per the subject matter experts over at, some of the incentives that local New York businesses are utilizing include referral incentives where customers get free or discounted services when they refer other people to their business.

Scaling down operations

Yet another way through which local businesses in New York are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is by scaling down so that they can save money be reducing costs. As per discussions on the same over at, we are seeing most businesses focus their efforts on the online part of their business which is doing well and scaling down on the other parts that are not doing so well during the current crisis. This has helped them keep costs down, ensuring they don’t go under.

Working remotely

Another way that New York businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by having their employees work from home. This has helped ensure that operations at the businesses still go on but at the same time helping keep their employees safe and helping stop the spread of the virus. Those that have implemented this successfully have made sure that they put in place the right technology and resources as well as ensuring that employees are clear on what is required as fat as their duties are concerned.

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