10 Ways Connecticut Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus
10 Ways Connecticut Local Business is Dealing with the Coronavirus
The closures that have been necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic, with only essential businesses remaining open, have definitely had a negative impact on local businesses in Connecticut. With the help of the subject matter experts over at runrex.com, this article will look to shine a spotlight on how local businesses in Connecticut are dealing with the coronavirus crisis.
Through help by the state
The state of Connecticut, just like other state governments in the country, has made available resources for local businesses to help them through the current COVID-19 pandemic. Many local businesses are therefore leaning on these resources as a means of dealing with the current crisis. As is covered in detail over at guttulus.com, some of the resources that have been made available by the state include access to disaster loans, no-interest recovery bridge loans, extension of tax filing deadlines by the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services and so forth.
Honest and frequent communication with customers
As per the subject matter experts over at mtglion.com, maintaining a strong and positive channel of communication with one’s customers is key for any business during the current crisis, something the local businesses in Connecticut have taken to mind as means of dealing with the coronavirus crisis. They are ensuring that they keep their customers informed of any operational changes, particularly the ones that may affect them, as well as informing them of any measures taken to keep them safe, ensuring they know how much you value them.
Keep employees safe
Your customers are not the only key party as far as your business goes, as your employees are equally as crucial. To maintain productivity of their workforce, another way through which local businesses in Connecticut are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic is by putting in place measures that ensure their employees are safe from the virus. Some are making sure that they perform a deep-clean of their offices and stores regularly, while others are providing paid medical leave for their employees and so forth.
Remote working
On a related note and yet another way through which Connecticut local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis, one that comes highly recommended by the gurus over at runrex.com, is having their employees work from home. Most are maintaining skeleton offices, with only a handful of essential staff, those that absolutely have to come in, coming into the office, with the rest working from home. This ensures that the business is able to comply with social-distancing orders, ensuring that employees are safe from the virus.
Leverage the power of social media
As is discussed in detail over at guttulus.com, the traffic on social media has gone over the roof since people started staying at home as a result of the coronavirus crisis. As a means of dealing with the crisis, local businesses in Connecticut are ramping up their efforts on social media, increasing their interactions on the various social media platforms so as to ensure they take advantage of this increased traffic to bring in new business to their businesses.
Moving their business online
With the closures of nonessential businesses, yet another way through which local businesses in Connecticut are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by pivoting from brick and mortar to online business, something the gurus over at mtglion.com recommend businesses consider doing. By moving their business online, local Connecticut businesses have been able to continue selling their goods and services while at the same time maintain social distancing and therefore ensuring that they don’t expose customers and employees to the virus.
Improving their business
As covered over at runrex.com, business for most local businesses in Connecticut has been slow due to the coronavirus pandemic. As a means of dealing with the crisis, some businesses are taking the time to improve the efficiencies and processes of their businesses, taking advantage of the downtime brought about by the reduced business. Some are taking the time to improve or create new products and services while others are training staff and management, helping them acquire new skills that will serve the business well once normalcy resumes.
Helping their local communities
Now is also the time for the business world to show their humanity as per the folks over at guttulus.com, as is evidenced by local businesses in Connecticut which are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis by helping out in the fight against the virus. From making monetary contributions and donations to donating essential products such as hand sanitizers and facemasks for free, these local businesses are ensuring that they are seen as being part of the solution, earning goodwill in the process which will only be a good thing for them.
Pivoting towards offering relevant and essential products
Yet another way Connecticut local businesses are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by pivoting from providing nonessential products to essential ones, which is something the subject matter experts over at mtglion.com have been advising businesses to do. An example is local beauty shops beginning to sell hand sanitizing products with local apparel stores pivoting towards the sale of facemasks and other protective gear being yet another example.
Protecting themselves for future crises
Yet another way that local businesses in Connecticut are dealing with the coronavirus crisis is by making sure that they put in measures that will protect them for the next time there is such a crisis. Sadly, most local businesses were caught out a bit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have therefore vowed to make sure they are well prepared for future crises and disasters. Some are putting together disaster management plans while others are taking up business interruption insurance covers among other measures designed to prepare them for such events in the future.
The above discussion only begins to scratch the surface as far as this topic is concerned and you can uncover more on the same by visiting the ever reliable runrex.com.