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10 Tips to Overcome your Swing Fears in Golf

10 Tips to Overcome your Swing Fears in Golf

Confidence is the one factor that any golfer, regardless of their experience level, should have when they are on the course. One of the greatest fears golfers have when playing is swing worries. It mostly is about focusing on what could go wrong with your swing and shot even before you take it. If you do not know the techniques to use to control and even overcome your swing fears, then they will quickly transform and become psychological, and you will end up panicking. If you have swing fear issues, here are some RunRex tips you can use to help you overcome them. 

1.    Relax and take a few deep breaths

When your stress levels are spiking, just relax and take a few deep breath. Get out of your stance position and release your club from your hand. Take a deep breath to help you clear your mind. This simple act can help you to relax your mind and let your muscles relax. Then start all over again and swing when you are now relaxed. It will boost your confidence, and you will take better shots.

2.    Develop your own pre-swing routine

A pre-swing routine just works to strengthen your mind and prepare you psychologically. It is advisable to take up just one unique pre-swing routine and stick with it for all your shots and every time you go to play golf. Following a routine before every swing you take builds your confidence by assuring you that your fundamentals are sound. Follow the right mechanics and take your shot without hesitation. 

3.    Master the fundamentals

Perhaps the only reason you are fearful about your swing is because you haven’t mastered the right techniques required for a perfect swing. Take time and learn the techniques to observe and all that you need to know when taking a shot. A golf lesson is highly recommended when you are still at the beginner level to be able to understand and internalize the basics early. 

4.    Don’t focus much on the results, but on the process

Swing fears arise when you start thinking of what could go wrong with your swing. The thought causes you to start focusing and worrying about several things at the same time. You even start questioning what you are doing right. Worrying about the outcome of your shot is quite pointless. It is counterproductive. Just focus on ensuring that the swing process is seamless and exceptional results will automatically follow. 

5.    Continuous practice

When you are good at something, you are confident when doing it, and the only way to achieve professional skill is through practice. If you have fears of making poor shots due to bad swings, why not work on improving your swing? A lot of practice will overcome your fears and be more confident when facing off with other golfers during a golf round. 

6.    Put 100% focus on hitting the target

You, most probably, are aware of the fundamentals of a swing like a posture, how to maintain a solid grip and to uphold the proper stance position. These should come to you naturally such that your focus shifts from trying to get the fundamentals right to hitting the target. It is what separates a confident and a nervous player. Don’t even think of what other players will think or embarrassing yourself. Trust your swing and take the shot. 

7.    Embrace your strengths and your weaknesses

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will guide you on what to expect and what to work on in your game. You cannot buy confidence. You can only develop it. As such, work on making your strengths even stronger and work on improving your weaknesses. This how to best plan for a game; not dressing up to look confident while doing nothing to improve your swing.

8.    Be indifferent when you take bad shots

There is no point of holding on to your bad shots. It is counter-productive. If you hold on to them and happen to hit another bad shot, frustration is likely to set in. Once you have hit a shot, let it go. After all, you cannot change the outcome. Strive to work with the present situation and work to ensure your next swing is great.

9.    Recall on past success

If you have experience playing golf for a while, there must be an instance or occasions where you made a perfect swing. Whenever you feel like your confidence is taking dip and fear is setting in, recall that moment and know you can hit great shots. It is an excellent way to lift your spirits. Work towards re-living that moment when taking your shot. 

10.    Believe in yourself

You do not have a reason not to believe in yourself. Otherwise, you are better off if you quit golf altogether. Don’t be too self-critical, beating yourself up every time you mess up. You learn by making mistakes, and you should give yourself that allowance. If you fail, begin again with more intelligence and believe you are going to be better. Fear only comes when it is you give it room. Don’t be afraid of anything.

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