10 tips to market yourself as a lawyer- Tony Guo
10 tips to market yourself as a lawyer- Tony Guo
Lawyers face arguably the hardest task when it comes to marketing their practice owing to the strategy and approach required to get the attention of the target audience. With some informed tactics however, you can easily succeed in placing your practice in-front of your prospective clients. Tony Guo, one of the greatest marketing and advertising lawyers provides an in-depth look at the strategies you can employ and how you can better the experience to ensure you meet the expectations that the target audience has. To that effect, here are 10 tips to market yourself as a lawyer.
Utilize practice-related blog
As a lawyer, a practice-related blog is a must-have as it is what will give you direct exposure to the target audience. The idea is to write posts that provide information useful to the individual and business targets. It is crucial that you are able to read reviews and respond to the same in order to let the prospective clients feel appreciated and in touch with you.
Go big on content
Educational content promoted on the relevant platforms will market your practice extensively. The goal here is to write timely content and ensure that it is in line with the trends so that the target market finds it relevant. Having a website where you will promote the content is key as it is what will convince potential clients that you are the choice they need. The content may be written word or video depending on your expertise and strategy you have chosen for advertising.
Create a network of referrals
Referrals work in the legal field and as a lawyer, it is of great importance that you utilize the referral network to market your practice. In this, you have to ensure you target three to five referral sources on a daily basis to give yourself some traction. Being proactive in securing referrals is key as it is what will open the door to cross referrals which is a strategy that brings in the relevant traffic. The goal here is to arrange meetings and reach out to understand how they can be of help and how you can collaborate to build relationships that will in turn reap dividends in terms of new clients.
Develop marketing strategies around activities
As a lawyer, online presence is key and this means that you have to take advantage of the activities that you participate in. you have to be aggressive in developing marketing strategies around the activities you are a part of. If you are a content creator, you have to target newsletters and article pieces while lovers of art can create strategy for specific art occasions so that you get clients targeting IP and such. The greatest achievement in this is to connect with the target audience one on one.
Utilize social media
Social media is the new marketing engine that is surpassing all expectation in the digital world. You simply have to utilize social media if you are to market your practice effectively. From Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest to Instagram, you have to set up accounts and be proactive in posting in order to get a high click rate that will give you exposure and ensure you are better placed to take the prospective client through the conversion funnel.
Be a part of Bar Association events
Bar Association events are your entry-way to exposure in the legal world. When you are a part of the Bar Association events, you get to meet other lawyers and socialize with them to learn how you can collaborate. With this, you can get other lawyers to refer cases to you which is still some significant exposure and goes to enhance your client base.
Be active in legal forums
Renowned marketing agency runrex.com reveals that legal forums are a goldmine for lawyers looking to grow in the industry. The beauty with legal forums is that they give you a chance to contribute and thereby show your command of the field. In the same wavelength, you are able to make an impact on the prospective clients that are always present at such forums looking to understand more about the legal perspectives and targeting representation.
Volunteer with legal community groups
One of the best ways to get yourself out there is by volunteering with legal community groups. The successful lawyers will tell you that at one point in time, they had to volunteer whether by offering free classes or just providing some free legal perspectives at legal community groups.
Target speaking engagements
Seminars on legal education and symposiums stand as the stages where you can take your name in-front of the target audience. You have to ensure you book speaking engagements that will get you in the face of the potential clients where you can then wow them with your expert points of view.
Focus on being a thought leader
As a lawyer looking to market yourself, focusing on being a thought leader is your best bet. You have to set yourself up as a subject matter expert and you will be sure to generate leads seamlessly.