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10 Tips to Find your Proper Golf Stance

10 Tips to Find your Proper Golf Stance

A full swing must take into consideration all the fundamentals required. One of the most essential, yet greatly overlooked, fundamentals of a full swing is the stance and the setup position. A golf stance is composed of several collaborative elements. These include the right stance width, the right amount of knee flex, the feet angle and the general body posture. A narrow stance limits you from generating enough power for your golf swing and, also, compromises your balance. A wide stance, also, reduces your effectiveness when the swing is resulting in a bad performance. RunRex has established these ten tips to help you find your proper stance.

1.    Find the correct foot position

The positioning of your feet significantly influences your stance, and consequently your swing. The feet should be shoulder-width apart at the start. You can then adjust the width accordingly. Even the slightest increase in the width of the legs can significantly improve your turn when you take a swing. With a better and more flexible turn, you can hit the golf ball at the desirable speed hence covering the desired distance. Be sure to maintain balance even as you adjust your foot position as body balance is an essential ingredient to a perfect swing.

2.    Use your legs 

Your legs and the entire lower body determine your body balance. The legs provide the support the whole body needs when swinging. The perfect way to know how to position your feet correctly is by conceptualizing the rail track. The ball is usually on the outside while the body on the inside. This concept can help you know how to position your legs and even the feet width. A minor flex is all you need to get to the right stance. 

3.    Balance

Your body weight should lie balanced on the feet balls, not the toes or the heels. With the longest clubs, 60 percent of your weight should be on your back foot, 50 percent for middle iron shots and 60 percent on the target side foot for short irons. Proper distribution of your body weight when taking a swing will help you do it at the correct angle.

4.    Ball positioning

Golf is fascinating in such a way that different clubs require different ball positioning. It is crucial that you know where to position the golf ball depending on the club you are using. The position you will place the ball will depend on the length of the golf club shaft, the distance the ball will cover and the flight it will achieve. Adjust accordingly to fit these factors. 

5.    Posture

Your knees should be flexed directly over the ball slightly to balance. Your body should not bend at the waist but it should at the hips. Put your back straight and do not curve it as the spine is the rotation axis. The spine, therefore, should form a right angle with the shaft for a proper plane. You should be keen, however. Even though you are trying to observe many aspects all at once, make sure you are comfortable since discomfort will, also, affect the quality of your swing. 

6.    Club first, then feet after

Before getting into your stance position, ensure you have held your club correctly. Getting into stance position before holding your club in the right way makes it hard to align your body. Your position will depend on the properties of the club, and if you get into the stance position first, you might not position your body correctly, resulting in a weak swing.

7.    Arm and hands

The thumb rule to for you to follow here is that you should let your hands hang off your target hand just in front of your zipper. The distance between the hand and the body will vary depending on the length of the golf club. But standard practice calls for the distance to be about a palm’s length.

8.    Setup Position

Your swing will evolve from your setup position. While being in a good setup position might not guarantee you success and a perfect stance, it significantly increases your chances of being in a proper stance and making a perfect swing. Put more focus on the pre-swing fundamentals as they play a great role in improving your performance. While in the setup position, the upper body should experience no tension. 

9.    Pick a target and work around it

Have a target, and use it as a reference point. It will help you figure out your stance position. You get to use it to align your shoulders and your feet. Try to be very specific when picking a target for your mind to get a detailed shot direction. Once you have picked out your target, take your shot with confidence. Continuous practice will lead to a perfect swing.

10.    Your golf shoes

Your golf shoes are part of your arsenal in this sport. While one might think they have little or no role to play in a stance, they are crucial because they provide the necessary traction for a swing. The shoe to get will depend on the location and condition of your golf course. Regardless, your shoes should provide sufficient traction to maintain a good stance position.

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