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10 Tips to become a better Putter

10 Tips to become a better Putter

Most players often overlook putting, particularly the beginners. Most tend to put more attention and focus on the long ball. However, as a golfer, it is important always to remember that the putter is the most used club in the bag. Golfers use it more often than any other club. Without the proper putting skills, you will not be able to compete on the golf course as putting contributes to your score. As such, RunRex has established various valuable tips and tricks you can use to better your putting skills and even become a pro at it.

1.    Proper alignment of the clubface

It the first thing any golfer should observe if they want to be a better putter. Align your face to the direction that you want the ball to head. The alignment of the face determines eighty percent of the direction your ball will take. Most players think it’s the feet and the shoulders that do the trick. These may play some role in the direction the ball will head, but the main thing to observe is the direction the clubface is facing. 

2.    Choose the right club

Most players will determine the club to use based on its length. However, there is more to club selection than just checking its length and that of the hole. Some of the things to consider include natural shot tendencies, the wind, and hazards. The right tool always gets the job done in the right manner. The same applies to golf. 

3.    Practice

The only approach taken to become an expert in anything is doing constant and continuous practice. The most efficient way to practice is by starting off with small distances. With shorter distances, you will have more puts, and that will boost your confidence. The more you get better at it, the more you can move further as you increase the distance gradually. Do continuous practice to gain the necessary momentum you would require when going for a round. 

4.    Use one hand when practicing 

If you can put the ball well using just one hand, then it should not be difficult to do the same with two hands. Also, this practice helps you get in the right set-up position. If you cannot put well with one hand, that means your set-up position is flawed. Putting with one hand may not be quite easy at first. But with time and continuous practice, your body will align itself in the right position, and you will soon be putting effortlessly. 

5.    Target the back of the hole

This trick works great, especially for shorter putts. You can find a grass target and right trigger to use to start your stroke. Your trigger can be anything as long as it will give you that starting power. Be at ease too. Do not spend too much time targeting as you are more likely to get out of your stance position, which will mean you will get a weak strike. 

6.    Careless

Be relaxed and approach puts with ease. Be composed and relax. The more relaxed you are, the more you get to loosen up which means you can hit the ball more confidently. Confidence is a key factor in play when it comes to matters of making puts. The more confident you are, the more your chances of making the put. The reverse is, also, true.

7.    Rely on your instincts as much as possible

Your focus is delivering the ball to the target location. You don’t have to think about whether the ball will take a victory lap or do all manner of maneuvers to get in. The focus is getting the ball in. So do not worry about the millions of calculations and ideas that come to mind on how best to hit the ball. Use your instincts and hit the ball to the direction of the hole. Chances are it will go in. 

8.    Master the how to control the balls speed

Even if you hit the ball in the right direction but use the wrong speed, chances are it will go over the hole if the speed is too much, or it won’t get to the hole if the speed is not enough. The speed can, also, alter the trajectory of the ball. The best way to master speed control is by constant practice. Practice for different distances so that you don’t have to think hard about the speed at which you have to hit the ball. 

9.    Adjust your alignment before the stroke

Shorter strikes may not offer much time to modify like the long strokes. Regardless, be sure to make any necessary adjustments before the stroke and not during the stroke. Changes done during the stroke will alter the direction of the ball and hence miss the putt. All you need is get into proper set-up position, align the putter face and hit the ball. 

10.    Good grip

Be sure to maintain a solid grip on your putter. Hold the putter club in such a way that it does not slip when you swing. A proper grip will ensure the driver’s face hits the ball from the right angle which will drive the ball at the right speed towards the right direction.

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