10 Tips How Data Science is Changing Software Testing
Ever since big companies and corporations started taking interest in data, the whole science of analyzing and processing data has really changed. Not only has it led to an explosion of interest from other small companies, it has led to an increase in the number of professionals interested in data science.
Data science hasn’t just affected big companies, it has affected individual facets of technology with software testing being the biggest culprit. Nothing has quite benefitted from data science quite like the previously tedious exercise of software testing. In this blog post, Runrex takes a look at ways through which data science has affected software testing;
Tips How Data Science is Changing Software Testing
Helps ask better questions
To get better feedback from stakeholders and alpha testers, software developers need to ask better, open-minded and critical questions. To ask these questions, the software developers need data science knowledge.
Data science helps in test tool selection
The other aspect of data science that is used in software development and testing, is the test tool selection. Data science helps analyze the tools that are successful in software testing and those that are not quite as good. By analyzing the available data, software developers can easily and quickly select the best tools for their software testing.
Data science helps developers to target the right audience
Data science helps software developers to choose the right target audience for their software testing. Data from previous software testing is analyzed and areas which offered the best feedback can clearly be seen and those that were not as responsive can also be seen. Using this data, software developers can know the areas to target with their software testing.
Data science helps with visualizing the quality of the object under test
The other importance of data science in software testing, is the fact that it helps to visualize the quality of the object under test. Those conducting the test can easily understand the quality of their product and the market reception of the same. By analyzing the feedback and data from the usage of the software, developers get a clear picture of whether their software is up to standard or not.
Data science helps developers to improve their software
Data science helps developers to improve their software by giving them feedback on the parts of their software that are good and those that need working on. By analyzing real time data from the software testing, developers can easily see the parts of the software which are doing well and those that need tinkering.
Data science helps developers to test data development and processing
Data science is very instrumental when it comes to testing data development and data processing in the testing stage of any software. Developers can get a clear picture of how effective their system is at developing and processing data. If there is any shortcoming, then the developers can easily rectify the same and improve their product.
Data science helps developers to save money
Yes, analyzing the data from software testing can help developers save a lot of money. Instead of blindly spending money to market a product that is half baked, developers use data science to get a good understanding of the quality of their product before they can debut it into the market.
Data science helps developers to launch their products at the best possible time
Sometimes, developers find it hard to determine when they need to transition from the testing phase of the software to the actual commercialization of the product. By analyzing the data from the software testing though, developers can get a better picture of when it is right to launch a product and get it started in the market.
Data science helps save time
In software testing, you need a lot of patience before you can decide if a product needs further developing or needs to go back to the kitchen. In some cases though, you can clearly see from the word go that the product in question needs a lot of tweaking and improving before it can go back to the testing stage again. You can only find out about this by analyzing the data from the first testing phases of the software.
Data science helps software developers to brace themselves for the future
By analyzing data from initial stages of software testing, software developers can adequately brace themselves for the future. If the data from the initial testing points towards a successful future and absorption of the software in the market, then it would be wise to start looking for capital to market the product and perhaps increase your staff size.
Talk to Runrex
Want more tips on how you can use data science to better your software testing? Give us a call here at Runrex today and we will gladly advise you on how to incorporate data science into your software development and testing.
Prepare yourself for the future by embracing data science in software development and testing today! Talk to us here at Runrex and we will gladly be of service to you. Our customer service team is always ready and willing to attend to you and they are available at all times. Give them a call today and get started on the amazing journey of data science.