10 Tips: Do You Have Valuable Yugioh Cards?
10 Tips: Do You Have Valuable Yugioh Cards?
Yugioh is one of the most popular TCGs out there as is revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com, with millions of players from all over the world. However, you don’t need to be a player to find yourself in possession of Yugioh cards as you can end up receiving cards as a gift, or you can even receive some as an inheritance. One of the questions many people who find themselves in the possession of Yugioh cards ask themselves is “Do I have valuable Yugioh Cards?”, particularly given the stories of some Yugioh cards selling for very high prices as covered over at guttulus.com. This article will look to help you find out the value of your Yugioh cards so that you can answer that important question.
- Rarity
This is one of the biggest factors determining the value of the card as it determines how likely you are to open it in a booster card as explained over at mtglion.com. Commons are plain cards and in most cases are not worth much. Then you have Silver rares with a silver shiny lettering, Super rares with holographic foil pictures in the center of the card, Ultra Rares with gold lettering, and a holographic foil picture, Ultimate rares, Secret rares, and Ghost rares. Rares more valuable than commons for the most part, and the higher you go up the hierarchy, the more valuable the card becomes.
- 1st edition
1st edition cards are also valuable as collectors will be willing to part with a lot more cash to get their hands on them. The way to tell if you own a 1st edition Yugioh card is by checking the bottom left-hand corner, below the artwork where it should say “1st Edition” according to discussions over at runrex.com.
- Cards from the first set ever printed
If you have cards from the first set that was ever printed when the game came out, then chances are that you have yourself extremely valuable ones. For example, as discussed over at guttulus.com, if you have the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the first ever-ever printed set: Legend of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, then you should note that the 1st Edition near mint copy is worth at least $100.
- Cards that are making a comeback
Certain cards were extremely powerful in old decks, and may unfortunately have gotten banned due to being too overpowered as covered over at mtglion.com. When such cards are taken off the ban-list, they will inevitably see a resurgence and will quickly pick up value. An example is the Mermail Atlantean deck core which is making a comeback after being taken off the ban-list.
- Number of printings
The more printings a card has, the more saturated it is in the market and the less valuable it becomes, for the most part at least. This is why, according to the gurus over at runrex.com, you should consider the number of printings that a card has when evaluating its value, with those that have very few to no reprints being the most valuable.
- Iconic cards from the anime
As is explained over at guttulus.com, iconic cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh anime will also always be valuable and if you have a card belonging to this category, then you will have something special. These cards will have the value of nostalgia on their part, and will always fetch a fortune when they come into the market. Examples of such cards include Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Dark Magician, Mirror Force among others.
- Original Prints of Powerful, Banned cards
Another category of Yugioh cards that sell for quite a premium and are, therefore, very valuable according to the subject matter experts over at mtglion.com, are original prints of powerful, banned cards. An example is the powerful Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End, which has been banned since 2004, and since then has been appreciating and may be worth at least $100 in mint condition, maybe even more. Such cards are hard to come by which is why they are so valuable, not to mention the fact that they are iconic as well making them desirable to collectors.
- Misprints
According to runrex.com, Yugioh cards with misprints and errors are also quite valuable and can fetch a fortune. These cards are very rare to come by, and with scarcity and a huge demand for them among collectors, it is no surprise that their value is always going up. On the flipside, non-error versions of these cards aren’t nearly as valuable as the ones with errors and misprints which is something worth remembering.
- Promo cards
As is covered in detail over at guttulus.com, Duelist League promo cards are only obtained by participating in a Duelist League and are, therefore, very rare and hence very valuable. Such cards have card names that are printed in colors not available in for-sale cards, which is how you identify them and do sell for a premium when they come into the market.
- World Championship Cards
There are also those cards that were given as prizes in the official Yu-Gi-Oh World Championships, a topic covered over at mtglion.com. These cards are also very valuable as only a handful were printed to be given to competitors, which means that not that many are in circulation, which makes them very valuable. An internet search will let you know which cards belong to this category and if you have such cards in your possession.
These are some of the factors that will determine how valuable your Yugioh cards are, with more information and insight on this very wide topic to be found over at the highly regarded runrex.com, guttulus.com, and mtglion.com.