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10 Tips For Building In JavaScript for Beginners



10 Tips For Building Via JavaScript


JavaScript has been around for quite some time now and has managed to become the most popular programming languages on the web. However, many web users still struggle figuring it out when trying to build interactive websites. Various frameworks such as Angular2 and Node.js as well as the more popular jQuery can also prove to be confusing when you are trying to learn and master JavaScript. So here are some tips to help you along the way!


Easy to understand code helps you work quicker since you can follow a natural flow and transition easily from one code block to another. Further, having an easy to comprehend code is helpful when you are testing your code. Since the testing and debugging phase in any program development project consumes the most amount of time, it will serve you well if you can make the process easier.

The best way to create readable code is to use comments. Also, try and maintain a natural flow that is easy to follow.


Security is one of the top concerns when building a website or program. Although JavaScript lets you mask components from the user, it does not offer real security.

For better protection from hacking and malware, it is better to have a comprehensive API layer since you have more power to implement security measures in this layer than anywhere else in the code. The API layer scrutinizes any data that passes through it and blocks suspicious activity.


Having items load in order helps your site to load faster. The elements enclosed inside the <head> tag should be loaded first and followed with the subsequent loading of the others logically. Having your site load all at once takes time, and it might cause your visitors to feel frustrated and leave the site.


After you have finished coding your JavaScript files, you should minify them to produce smaller file sizes. It makes it the files smaller and eliminates all the aesthetics, therefore, compressing the JavaScript file into a smaller size that will load faster.

Since the machines do not require line breaks and comments, make sure you eliminate such elements before you launch your final copy.


Beginning to write a new JavaScript file can be tough especially if you do not have a plan. Therefore, if you are preparing to write a long script, it is better to write down which classes and functions you aim to use and what their properties will be.

Also, remember to name your functions and variables clearly so that you can easily distinguish between them.


Optimizing code helps to differentiate between amateur and professional work. Luckily, some optimization kits are readily available to help you perform actions such as minification and remove dead code.

Some of the optimization toolkits available include:

– Uglify JS

– Microsoft AJAX Minifier and

– Google Closure Compiler

– Maintain consistency

It will help you to keep your focus on your development process and result in code that is easier to use and understand. To help you maintain consistency, choose a style of coding and documentation plan that you wish to follow throughout the project before you start coding. Also, ensure that you regularly debug your code and check for errors as you code.


Strict Mode helps you to identify errors in your code quickly and also enables you to build secure code. One declares the Strict Mode by adding the literal expression “use strict”; at the start of a script.

However, ensure that you adhere to proper syntax coding before using Strict Mode since it will cause an error for bad syntax coding that would otherwise be acceptable, such as using a variable or object while you have not declared it.


It is common for people to use popular libraries such as jQuery UI as they come. These contain numerous components, most of which your code might not use. Therefore, to achieve faster load times, it is better to create your custom libraries that include only the components that you need.

The jQuery UI website allows you to create custom packages of the library.


CSS can be pre-compiled which results in lower CPU usage than when running JavaScript. Also, CSS 3.0 has advanced significantly from its previous versions and can now be used to replace some of the functions performed using JavaScript.

Therefore, if there are effects on your site that can be achieved using either CSS3 or JavaScript, opt for the CSS3 version. For instance, you can create sliders using CSSSlider, which also works on HTML5, without the help of JavaScript.

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