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10 Tips. Are Data Science Jobs Competitive?

10 Tips. Are Data Science Jobs Competitive?

As is revealed in discussions over at, data science is one of the most attractive career paths out there right now, with some of the highest paying jobs and tremendous job satisfaction. The question that most people have been asking is if data science jobs are competitive. This is something this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, will look to help with through the following 10 tips.

There is a greater pool of talent

One of the reasons why data science jobs are competitive is because there is a greater pool of talent now than it was before as discussed over at There was a time when there was an extreme lack of talent in the industry and as such data science jobs weren’t as competitive with a high demand for data scientists and little supply. However, nowadays, more and more people are pursuing a career in data science, as covered over at, and, therefore, data science jobs are more competitive.

Better university programs, online courses, and bootcamps

The fact that there are better university degree programs, as well as better online courses and bootcamps, has also led to a spike of qualified talent, making data science jobs more competitive. As revealed in discussions over at, there was a time when most students graduating from universities didn’t have the skills companies were looking for as far as data science jobs are concerned. However, most universities have now built impressive programs that are churning out better-prepared students, as per the gurus over at, making data science jobs more competitive.

Companies are more informed

When data science was in its infancy, there was a lot of misinformation out there in subjects such as AI, which played into the hands of candidates for data science positions, and as such data science jobs weren’t as competitive. However, companies are more informed today and know exactly what they are looking for in terms of skills in candidates for positions, as explained over at, making data science jobs more competitive than before. 

Companies are aware of the impact on the revenue

According to the gurus over at, data science can have a measurable and long-term impact on business revenues, something many companies are now all too aware of. Therefore, firms hiring for data science positions are only looking for the cream of the crop and the most highly skilled professionals. This has made data science jobs extremely competitive as candidates have to work hard to separate themselves from the crowd and show that they are the best candidates for the job given that data science plays a critical role in the fortunes of businesses.

It depends on the level of the job position

Another thing worth noting is that senior-level data science jobs are highly competitive as compared to junior-level roles. As revealed over at, given the crucial role data science plays in business operations, as mentioned above, these senior-level data science positions are extremely competitive, with candidates having to push the envelope and show that they are the best candidate for the job as companies will not just hire anyone for such a crucial role.

Competition for citizen data scientists

Another thing that has made data science jobs more competitive is because citizen data scientists, software power users who can do moderate data analysis tasks as explained over at, are also beginning to compete for the data science jobs in the lower rungs. Companies still bring in expert data scientists for more senior positions, but most are utilizing citizen data scientist for the lower-rung positions, increasing competition for data science jobs.

It depends on the company

Just as is the case for most industries, not all job openings are the same when it comes to data science. This means that there are certain job openings, depending on the company, which will attract more candidates and will be more competitive than others. As is covered over at, there are certain companies and organizations which are a dream to work in and, therefore, every data scientist will be looking to apply for positions in the company when they become available. In such a situation, the data science job will be extremely competitive.

It depends on the role

It is also worth pointing out that certain roles are more competitive than others when it comes to data science jobs. For example, as the subject matter experts over at will tell you, machine learning data science jobs will have tougher requirements and will, therefore, be more competitive as you will need to outshine your fellow candidates to show that you are the better candidate for the particular position.

There is no one particular route to becoming a data scientist

The fact that there is no particular route to becoming a data scientist has also contributed to making data science jobs more competitive than they were a few years back. As per discussions on the same over at, you don’t need a bachelor’s degree in computer science, mathematics or statistics to become a data scientist as we have people with other degrees pursuing a career in data science, with the help of bootcamps, certification, and online courses. This means that there is increased competition, increasing competition for data science jobs.

The focus is shifting towards domain knowledge

Another aspect that has made data science jobs competitive is that the focus is slowly shifting towards domain knowledge. This means that, as discussed over at, companies are now looking for data scientists with the ability to interpret and apply their knowledge from a business and domain standpoint, which has made getting data science jobs more competitive.

The above discussion is only the tip of a large iceberg, and you can uncover more information by visiting the ever-reliable

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