10 Things You Need to Know About Citizenship and Naturalization Based Forms
10 Things You Need to Know About Citizenship and Naturalization Based Forms
Why Get the U.S Citizenship?
Becoming a citizen of the United States of America has numerous benefits. Some of these include the right to vote, bring your family to the U.S, no deportations, get citizenships for children, freedom to travel, eligibility for jobs and enjoy public benefits among others. To enjoy these, you must first be a legal citizen of the United States, and birth or naturalization can acquire citizenship.
When Is the Certificate of Citizenship Required
If you are born outside of the United States by parents who are citizens of the United States, you become a citizen of the US by naturalization. At times, you may need to prove your citizenship (especially if you are an immigrant) by providing a certificate of Citizenship. A certificate of citizenship may be required especially when applying for a federal government job or when applying for a passport. In such a case, you will be required to prove your citizenship, and this is done by providing the certificate of citizenship.
The Naturalisation Requirements
For one to claim citizenship by naturalization, the person must fulfill the following criteria;
- Be 18 years and above
- Must have been having green card for at least five years
- Have been living continuously in the U.S for at least five years
- Must have been in the States for at least half the time he has been living there and Has not been outside for more than one year at any single time.
- Be able to speak English, write in English and hold a conversation in English
- Pass a U.S history and Government exam
- Take an Oath of Allegiance
- Be of Good character.
When You Need to Get a Lawyer
In as much as applying for citizenship is not that difficult, there are a few occasions when you need the help of a lawyer including when;
- Risk deportation
- Child support case
- Have committed any crimes
- Have moved from the US to another country since getting the Green card
- Have issues with tax payment.
- You are on parole or probation
- You have been out of the US for six months or more.
- You have changed information. For instance, the information you gave for the green card is different from that for citizenship.
- Illegal entry
- Domestic violence
- False documents etc.
Applying for naturalization
To apply for your naturalization, you will need;
- An original Green Card
- Photocopy of the front and back of the Green card
- Photo ID or driver’s license
- All passports and other travel documents (both current and expired)
- Tax returns copies (for five years or 3 years for spouses of citizens).
- Additional items you may need include copies of marriage certificates, spouse’s U.S citizenship, divorce certificate, marriage annulment certificate among others
Time as a Permanent Resident
Many times, you will be required to have been a resident of the United States for some time before applying for naturalization. However, the number of years you have been a resident is not enough; you also must have been physically present continuously during the time of residence. Your residence time starts immediately you are granted permanent resident status.
How to Prepare for The Tests
In the process of applying for citizenship, you may be required to take some tests (usually an exam on the history and government of the United States). Many organizations and schools can help you prepare for your tests. There are also websites that provide sample test questions that you can quickly take online and gauge your proficiency.
What Does the Oath of Allegiance Involve?
When taking the oath, you promise three significant things including;
- To renounce all other foreign allegiances
- Promise to support the constitution. That is, must support and defend laws of the United States and defend the constitution’s principles.
- Promise to Serve the U.S in any capacity that may be required of you
What Forms Are Filed for Naturalization
For the naturalization process, the N-400 form is required to be filed and submitted to the USCIS. The form can either be filled and submitted online or be downloaded, filled and mailed. After submission either by mail or online, you will be provided with information on how to track the progress of your case. To follow the progress, you will need to create an online account through which the USCIS will be notifying you of the development of your case.
Are There Fees Required for The Forms
Yes. Just like many other immigration forms, a filing fee is charged. You will be required to mail the fee together with your completed application forms. The amount will be indicated on the specific forms. When making the payment, be sure to include all the fees required by the Department of Homeland security. For more information or assistance in any way, contact RunRex.