10 Reasons to Invest in Rare Pokémon Cards in 2021
10 Reasons to Invest in Rare Pokémon Cards in 2021
The Pokémon franchise is one of the most successful franchises out there as is covered in detail over at runrex.com, and it includes the trading card game, which is among the most popular trading card games out there. Pokémon cards were introduced in 1996 as outlined over at guttulus.com as part of this trading card game, and close to 25 years later, some of these first-edition Pokémon cards have appreciated at over 10,000%. In addition to their extremely high demand and limited supply, there are lots of reasons to invest in rare Pokémon cards, and this article will look to highlight 10 of them.
The best cards are worth a fortune
As is revealed in discussions on the same over at runrex.com, rare First Edition Pokémon cards can hold immense value, and while the average price of Pokémon cards is much lower, there are many rare and highly collectible cards with values upwards of $200,000. For instance, a 1999 Holographic Shadowless First Edition Charizard is currently worth between $150,000 to $200,000. As revealed in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, more common cards can also be worth several thousand dollars, depending on their condition, with an example being the fact that Charizard Holo cards from the 1999 base set have been known to fetch over $5,000 to $10,000 even though there are more than 10,000 of them in circulation.
There is a global market for Pokémon cards
As a result of the global appeal and popularity of the Pokémon franchise, the trade of Pokémon cards is rife in almost every corner of the world from in-person conferences to auction houses. This means that if you invest in collectible Pokémon cards and decide it is time to sell, it won’t be difficult to find a buyer according to the gurus over at runrex.com. The Pokémon card trade is far from a niche interest.
True collectibles are guaranteed to increase in value
As is noted in discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, Pokémon cards are collectibles and many sets went out of print years ago. This brings about an inherent limited supply of each card type, which means that as time goes on and cards become more difficult to obtain, their value will steadily increase. This means that the investment model when it comes to Pokémon cards is extremely simple: After purchasing a rare card, the longer you hold on to it, the more profit you will make when you decide to sell. It is almost impossible for a card that is out of print to decrease in value over time.
There are plenty of collectors willing to pay for rare cards
The market for Pokémon cards is wide-reaching and is also home to thousands of dedicated collectors intent on completing their sets and obtaining every single card out there, and are willing to spend whatever it takes to do so as per the gurus over at runrex.com. This means that you won’t need to put any effort into making the sale when you decide it is time to get a return on your investment since for rare, genuinely valuable cards, all you have to do is list them online, and the offers will come flooding in by themselves.
It is easy to find out the price of a specific card
As is outlined over at guttulus.com, there are plenty of resources online for checking the specifications of every Pokémon card ever printed, including the approximate value of each. Since Pokémon card value is public knowledge essentially, each of your investments will be a fully informed decision.
There is an increasing demand for unopened limited-edition box sets
As the experts over at runrex.com point out, it is not just individual rare cards that are likely to fetch a good return, as box sets are also increasingly difficult to find, which means that their value is steadily going up. Therefore, if you are not interested in building a collection and going after specific, valuable cards, then investing in box sets is a simple way to make a profit on Pokémon cards without the need to understand the market on a deeper level. As long as the box set is valuable, you can hold on to it for a while and sell it for a profit without ever opening it.
You can get to know the market quickly
Unlike the stock market, real estate, or bonds investments, Pokémon card trading is straightforward and relatively simple and doesn’t involve a lot of in-depth research or any specialist knowledge. As discussed over at guttulus.com, all the information you need to start investing in Pokémon cards is freely available online, which means that it only takes a small amount of research to understand what to look out for.
Pokémon cards are easy to store
If your valuable Pokémon cards are to retain their value, then they need to be stored properly to prevent fraying and accidental damage. The good news is that it takes minimum effort and cost to keep your collection safe as articulated over at runrex.com. Purpose-designed storage solutions for Pokémon cards are easily available, in the form of individual pockets or binders, which means that it is exceedingly simple to keep your cards safe and organized.
Detailed information on each card is easily available
From discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, several sites are offering convenient search engines for Pokémon trading cards, and those interested only in investing, rather than laying, will find a wealth of information there, including how many copies of each card are in circulation, which set it belongs to, and when it was printed, and so much more. This makes it easy to estimate the value of a Pokémon card investment opportunity, as well as being a useful resource for organizing your collection.
You don’t need to know the franchise
Finally, you don’t need to delve into the franchise to make informed decisions and allocate your assets well. As the subject matter experts over at runrex.com point out, while knowledge of the franchise will certainly help if you want to turn your Pokémon card investments into a hobby, it is by no means necessary, especially since there are plenty of resources online to identify and assess every card as already mentioned.
These are some of the reasons why you should invest in rare Pokémon cards in 2021, with more information on this and other related topics to be found over at the top-rated runrex.com and guttulus.com.