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10 Marketing Tips for Video Game Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus

10 Marketing Tips for Video Game Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus

The coronavirus situation has wreaked havoc with the operations of most businesses, and video game stores have been no exception, particularly when it comes to their marketing efforts. This article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at, should be of great help therefore as it will look to highlight 10 marketing tips for video game stores that should help them deal with the coronavirus crisis.

Perform a review of your marketing strategy

With most people at home due to social distancing regulations brought about as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, one marketing tip the folks over at have for us is to use the downtime to review our marketing strategy, and redefine our marketing messages. This means reviewing and resetting the goals of your marketing campaigns as well as well as taking a look at your past marketing efforts, refreshing those that need refreshing making sure that you are well placed to do well when things return to normal for your video game store.

Review and update your website and the content therein

Another marketing tip is to take advantage of the downtime due to the coronavirus crisis and review and update your website. This means ensuring critical aspects such as site speeds and mobile-friendliness are optimized, to ensure that visitors will have an excellent user experience when they do visit your site. Also review the content as far as your website goes, making sure that it contains the right marketing messages and call for actions.

Shift your efforts towards content marketing

With social distancing a necessary aspect of containing the coronavirus crisis, it is obvious the event marketing strategies are a non-starter. As a marketing tip from the gurus over at, it is recommended that you shift your efforts towards content marketing as far as your video game store’s marketing efforts go. This means releasing new blogs and creating new video content, to take advantage of the downtime but also of the fact that most people are looking for good content online to get stuck into.

Optimize your SEO

Now, as per the gurus over at is also the time to ensure that you are leveraging the best SEO strategies for your campaigns. This means ensuring that you are targeting highly specific keywords, optimizing picture and video among others to ensure that your ads are well placed to convert. It is important to check your current website organic search ranking and optimize them for search engines so as to improve the quality and quantity of your web traffic.

Increase your social media engagements

Another tip that the subject matter experts over at have for video game stores that should help deal with the coronavirus crisis is for store owners to increase their engagements on social media. Most of your audience as a video game owner is on social media trying to find out the latest information as far as the current crisis goes, and whether you are outing up useful information on the same or are trying to lighten the mood by putting up some light content, you should make sure that you are showing up on your audience’s feeds at this moment in time.

Take this time to create and prepare new and exciting marketing material

The gurus over at also recommend, as a tip, that video game store owners take advantage of the downtime due to the coronavirus pandemic to create new and exciting marketing material such as presentations, flyers, brochures among others. You could incorporate useful information as far as COVID-19 goes and utilize these materials now, or you could create material that you will use once the crisis passes.

Don’t take advantage of the situation

The folks over at are adamant that you should not take advantage of the current coronavirus crisis for your own benefits. This will be a major marketing blooper, and one that should be avoided at all costs. Avoid hiking the prices of your video games and merchandise or releasing alarmist information designed to take advantage of the panic that will ensue. Now is the time for you to come through for your community, helping them, not taking advantage of them.

Discounts should definitely come into play

Another marketing tip that the gurus over at recommend you definitely leverage is to offer discounts to your customers. Start offering games to your clients at cheaper rates, encouraging them to take advantage of the cheaper prices to stock up on their favorite games, which they can play while in social isolation at home. You can even offer other games free, among other offers, which will not only encourage your customers to make purchases, it will also let them know that you understand that times are hard financially.

Move your business online if you can

Another marketing tip, one that will show your customers that you value their safety, is to start conducting your business online, selling games and merchandise online. This will ensure that your customers stay at home and have their games delivered at their doorsteps rather than having to physically come to your store. As per the folks over at, you can encourage online business by offering online offers and discounts, including free or discounted shipping.

Communicate clearly and often with your customers

Another excellent marketing tip is to ensure that your customers are kept in the loop as far as your operations are concerned. If you are planning on closing your store, changing the operating hours or aren’t going to be carrying certain games or merchandise, make sure that let your customers know by posting the same on your website, social media channels or through email. This will show them that you care about them and will encourage loyalty towards you.

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