10 Marketing Tips for Pokémon Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus
10 Marketing Tips for Pokémon Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus
The coronavirus crisis has affected many businesses out there, and Pokémon stores are no exception. If you own one and are contemplating how to proceed as far as marketing goes, then this article, with the help of the subject matter experts over at runrex.com, should be of great help as it will look to highlight 10 marketing tips for Pokémon stores which should help them deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
Communication is key
One of the most important marketing tips for Pokémon stores that should help them deal with the coronavirus crisis is to ensure that they proactively communicate with their customers, something the gurus over at guttulus.com agree on. If you are open for business, you should let your customers know; if you have changed your operating hours, you should also let them know. Make sure that you make it easy for them to interact with you and purchase merchandise and products from you, and you will reap the benefits from a marketing point of view.
Social media is key
Another important marketing tip for Pokémon stores is to increase your social media presence. Now that most people are at home due to social distancing measures, you can be sure that most of them are on social media platforms daily, spending hours on end on these platforms. It is therefore important that you increase your presence on social media platforms, keeping your customers up to date and interacting with them, and if your store doesn’t have one, now is the time to create one.
Leverage email lists and newsletters
As per discussions on the same over at runrex.com, most Pokémon stores usually have an email list of their clients which they use to communicate important information to them, including information on offers. With this in mind, another marketing tip is to use your email list to send helpful emails and newsletters to your clients, communicating important information on COVID-19, how they can stay safe at home as well as any changes on how you normally operate, if any.
Find new ways to replace event marketing
Given the current climate, Pokémon stores have canceled all their events, which means that event marketing is off the table. This is why, as yet another tip, the folks over at guttulus.com recommend that you find ways to replace event marketing. This includes live streaming and webinars, which are platforms that you should be leaning in heavily during the current pandemic. This keeps your customers engaged while at the same time ensuring that they maintain social distancing, keeping them safe during these uncertain times.
Re-optimize and improve online content
As per the subject matter experts over at runrex.com, one of the biggest fears for folks engaging in online marketing is that any content will be buried by the 24-hour coronavirus coverage. This is why our next tip is to re-optimize blogs and landing pages to ensure that your content ranks for keywords that matter, and you will reap the benefits when demand for your products bounces back. Use the downtime due to the crisis to re-optimize your content.
Offer real value now for more sales down the road
Another tip that the gurus over at guttulus.com have for Pokémon stores is to try and put sales on the backburner for now, with the aim being to offer value for your customers. This means even offering free products to your customers, particularly since Pokémon is a great game to play in doors during the current crisis. By doing this, you will position yourself to reap the benefits down the road for when the current crisis ends. We are already seeing big brands offer things like free subscriptions during the months people are indoors and as a Pokémon store, you can do the same if possible.
Discounts are your best friend
Speaking of offers, another tip the folks over at runrex.com have for Pokémon stores, which should help you deal with the coronavirus crisis, is offering discounts to your customers. This includes offering products at reduced prices or even offering free or discounted shipping for online orders among many other such measures. This will show that you appreciate the tough financial times your customers are in, which will help build strong bonds and loyalty which will do wonders for your marketing efforts/
Update your website
First and foremost, if you don’t have a website for your Pokémon store, you should use the downtime due to the coronavirus to create one, reaching out to subject matter experts such as the brilliant guttulus.com for help on the same. If you have one, make sure that it is optimized for the best user experience for visitors. This means ensuring that the site speeds are excellent, the website design and structure are user-friendly and easy to navigate and that the website is mobile-friendly.
Offer online deals
The above point leads us straight to this next tip, where the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that, having updated your website, another marketing tip for Pokémon stores is to try and shift their business online by offering online deals and incentives to their customers. This can be achieved by offering such things like coupons and online discounts, which will encourage your customers to shop online, rather than coming to your shop, ensuring that they remain safe, something that will help build your relationship with them as it shows that you care about their wellbeing.
Ensure your customers know the steps you are taking to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
It is also important that those customers that come to your shop know that their health is your top priority and that you are doing everything possible to ensure their safety. This is another marketing tip, and you can sue your social media channels, your email list or even post signage on your store all the measures you are taking to ensure their safety. This includes any quarantine protocols for potentially exposed staff as well as the cleaning, disinfection and hygiene protocols you are employing in your store, making it clear that everything is in place to keep them safe when they come to your store.
Remember, the brilliant guttulus.com is the place to go to if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics.