10 Marketing Tips for Magic the Gathering Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus
10 Marketing Tips for Magic the Gathering Stores to Deal with the Coronavirus
Social distancing is the buzzword in the current coronavirus pandemic, and it is a must if we are to defeat the virus. However, it may not be good for small, local businesses, which most Magic the Gathering stores are, as revealed in discussions over at runrex.com. One of the aspects of business that are likely to suffer due to the crisis is marketing, which is why this article will look to help by highlighting 10 marketing tips for Magic the Gathering stores that should help them deal with the coronavirus crisis.
Clear communication is key
As per the gurus over at guttulus.com, one of the most important marketing tips during the current coronavirus pandemic is ensuring that your customers are kept abreast as far as any changes affecting them regarding your business go. If you are closing your doors, changing your operation hours, among others, you should make sure that this is communicated to your customers. You can do this through your social media channels, on your website or through email, a move that will make your customers feel valued and involved, building trust and loyalty.
Update your website
Another marketing tip for Magic the Gathering stores that should help them deal with the coronavirus crisis is updating their website, or creating one if you don’t have one. Given the social distancing orders, most people are likely to come across your business through your website. It is therefore important that you have it updated, including on aspects such as site speeds, mobile-friendliness among others.
Leverage social media
There are many other marketing avenues that will become unavailable due to the coronavirus crisis, such as event marketing among others, which is why the gurus over at runrex.com recommend that you redouble your efforts as far as social media marketing goes. Make sure that you are active on social media and that you place yourself in front of as many prospective clients go. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter among others will give you an opportunity to market yourself to prospective clients, particularly as more and more people will be online due to the pandemic.
Embrace the power of blog posts
With more and more people getting their information online now that most people are at home due to the crisis, it is important that you update your website with new blog posts, providing visitors with new and engaging content as far as Magic the Gathering goes. As per discussions on the same over at guttulus.com, some of the benefits you will accrue as a result of blogging include adding value to your customers, increasing your SEO, increasing brand exposure and recognition as well as building trust and authority with your audience hence why you should definitely consider blogging during the current coronavirus crisis.
Consider streaming or video chatting some of your services
Yet another marketing tip the folks over at runrex.com have for Magic the Gathering stores is considering using tools like Skype, Zoom among others to offer some of their services online. This includes tutoring some of their prospective clients on the rules of the game if they want to get into it as well as streaming events live on these platforms. This is a great way to keep your customers and audience engaged and it is definitely a great marketing tool during the current pandemic.
Post video content
Other than streaming video, another marketing tip for Magic the Gathering stores is to put out video content, either on their social media channels or blogs. These videos, as covered over at guttulus.com, should be relevant, with information that is useful to your audience, and if done right, the video content should be a powerful marketing tool for you and your store.
Leverage the benefits of discounts
With the current coronavirus crisis, now is the time to offer your customers discounts, particularly since most of them will be stretched financially. As per the gurus over at runrex.com, you should offer such things as decks at reduced prices, free or discounted shipping for online orders among other incentives. This will show your customers that you care about them, and will not only encourage business now, it will also help build long-term relationships which will be great for your marketing efforts.
Time to put your email list to full use
Most Magic the Gathering stores have email lists which they mostly use to communicate such details like events to their customers. If you have an email list, another marketing tip the subject matter experts over at guttulus.com have for you is to use the list to send your clients helpful emails on the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the emails to communicate useful information about the virus, especially how your customers can remain safe and by so doing you will build trust with them as this will show them that you really care about them.
Offer online deals
Another marketing tip that the gurus over at runrex.com have for Magic the Gathering stores is to remind their customers that they can still shop for their items online on your website. You could even consider offering coupons and online discounts to encourage online shopping. This is a great way to promote sales while also helping ensure that your customers are safe, which is why it is such a great marketing tip as it shows your customers that you value their wellbeing.
Let your customers know what you are doing to prevent the spread of the virus
Another important marketing tip is ensuring that your customers know that you are doing everything possible to protect their health when they visit your Magic the Gathering store. You can do this by posting on social media, sending an email or even posting signage on your store. Make sure they know the cleaning, disinfection and hygiene protocols you are enforcing to ensure that they know that their health is your top priority.
If you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then look no further than the brilliant guttulus.com.