10 Marketing Tips for Bookkeeping to Deal with the Coronavirus
10 Marketing Tips for Bookkeeping to Deal with the Coronavirus
For bookkeeping professionals and firms, the coronavirus pandemic has brought with it unique challenges as discussed in detail over at runrex.com, particularly as far as the marketing side of things is concerned. This article should be of great help therefore as it will look to highlight 10 marketing tips for bookkeeping professionals to help them deal with the coronavirus crisis.
Communicate regularly and proactively with your clients
Communication, as per the gurus over at guttulus.com, is key during the current coronavirus crisis and as such as a marketing tip, you should make sure that you keep your clients abreast of all and any changes you make to your operations. If you are planning on making changes in workflow due to the coronavirus, then it is important to notify your clients well in advance, taking care to highlight the reason why so that they feel included in the process.
Remove face to face from your operations
Most bookkeeping professionals and firms lean heavily on face to face meetings when serving their clients. However, as a result of the coronavirus, a marketing tip that is worth leveraging is informing your clients that you are cutting out face to face interviews and will be introducing other ways to communicate with them like say over email, the phone among others. This will show them that you are taking their health and wellbeing seriously, building trust with them.
Position yourself as a secure firm
Another marketing tip that the gurus over at runrex.com have for bookkeeping firms is for them to show their client the cybersecurity defenses they have in place to ensure that their documents will be safe if they upload them on their portal. Having cut out physical interaction, it is important to convince your clients that their documents will be safe when they upload them to your portal and that nefarious individuals won’t be able to access them. If you can position yourself as a safe and secure firm, then this will do wonders for your marketing efforts.
Create useful video content
With the changes you have made as regards your operations, cutting out face to face interviews and encouraging your clients to upload documents to your portal, another marketing tip as per the folks over at guttulus.com is to create videos that will walk your clients through the process of using your portal and uploading documents. You can put up these videos on your website or you could have them posted on your social media channels.
Social media is key
Speaking of social media, another excellent marketing tip for bookkeeping firms is to ramp up their social media marketing efforts. More and more people will be going on social media to check up on friends and family as well as look up the latest COVID-19 news, as is discussed over at runrex.com. This presents a great opportunity to engage with your audience, by providing useful information on the current crisis or posting helpful tidbits as far as accounting goes.
Make use of your email list
The subject matter experts over at guttulus.com also recommend, as a useful marketing tip for bookkeeping firms, that you make use of your email list to reach out to your clients. You can send them an email that provides information on how they can keep themselves safe during the current coronavirus crisis or giving them pointers on how they can access, use and upload stuff on your portal among other information as far as your operations go. This will show them that you care and will definitely enhance loyalty.
Reach out to vulnerable clients
While all of your clients are likely to run into cashflow issues due to the coronavirus pandemic, those that live hand to mouth are likely to be hit hard. As a marketing tip by the gurus over at runrex.com, make sure you reach out to them and direct them to help, either from the government or lending institutions like banks. Show them that you care and you will build loyalty and bonds that will last for years and years to come.
Don’t take advantage of the situation
As per the folks over at guttulus.com, the last thing you want to do is appear to be taking advantage of the coronavirus crisis. This is one of those things that could damage your reputation as a bookkeeping firm irreparably. You should refrain from doing such things like increasing your rates or posting misleading information with the aim of inducing panic and driving business towards you. This will be a big marketing own goal.
Create new blog posts
Yet another excellent marketing tips the folks over at runrex.com have for bookkeeping firms is for them to take this time to put out new and relevant blog posts. Providing your audience with useful and relevant information to read during the current coronavirus pandemic is a great way to market yourself and is something that you should definitely do. You can even post your blogs on your social media pages making it easy for your audience to know about them.
Update your website
Given your website will be the face of your business due to the fact that most people are at home as a result of the coronavirus crisis, another marketing tip is to make sure that it is optimized for the best user experience for your visitors. Make sure you improve important aspects such as loading speeds, ease of navigation and so forth so as to ensure that visitors remain engaged when they are on your site.
If you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then you should look no further than the ever reliable guttulus.com.