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10 Marketing Lessons The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Teaches You

10 Marketing Lessons The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Teaches You

The slice-of-life anime, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., is one of the most popular anime out there and was extremely well-received when it started airing on Netflix as discussed over at It tells the story of Saiki Kusuo, a psychic whose main wish is to live a normal life even though he was born with some pretty strong abilities and powers. The show has got numerous helpful lessons it teaches, and this article, together with the gurus over at, will look to highlight 10 marketing lessons The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. teaches you.

The importance of positioning yourself as serving a specific purpose

Given the Saiki K. is a gag anime as discussed over at, it has placed itself in a position where it is the go-to anime for when you want to take a break from all the anime and TV shows with heavy plots full of gore or sorrow, and want to watch something more light-hearted. This is what has made it so popular, as it has positioned itself as the anime you want to watch when you need a light-hearted show to watch and just relax. The marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of positioning yourself as being the brand that serves a specific role or fills a specific gap in the market. As per the folks over at, make sure your audience knows that they can turn to you when in certain situations.

You shouldn’t restrict yourself to one demographic only

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is also very popular as it has humor that is easily understandable to all audiences, regardless of age and geographical location as covered over at It is therefore an anime that people of all ages and from various countries in the world, and not just Japan, can enjoy watching. The marketing lesson this teaches us is the importance of nor restricting yourself to one demographic. As per the subject matter experts over at, try and cast your net as wide as possible when targeting your audience with your marketing campaigns and don’t box yourself in.

Being unique is important

Unlike what you would expect from a typical anime, Saiki K. is fast-paced, with each episode having about 5 sub-episodes in it as discussed over at This makes every episode extremely watchable, even if you haven’t watched any preceding episodes. It’s pretty different from your normal anime, and the marketing lesson this teaches is the importance of making sure you present yourself as unique and different from anything being offered out there, which will make your marketing efforts more likely to succeed.

The importance of diversity and variety

One of the areas where Saiki K. thrives is in the fact that it has a diverse group of characters, with each character having their personality and quirky behavior, as covered in more detail over at This adds a lot to the show and makes it more interesting as you will find a character who you can relate to in one way or the other. This shows the importance of offering your audience diversity and variety in terms of your content, and making sure that there is something for everybody, something that will help your marketing efforts no-end.

Information is key

Even though, as mentioned earlier and discussed over at, the characters in Saiki K. are quirky and, therefore, easy to understand, the anime still manages to drop morsels of personal information and background on them throughout the show to help viewers understand them even more. This is just as important in marketing where it is important that you provide your audience with as much information as possible on your brand as well as on your products and services to keep them interested and help know what you are about.

Don’t, however, bombard them with information and new content

In marketing, while it’s important to give your audience new information and content, according to the gurus over at, you don’t want to bombard them with too much information and new content as this will put them off and only serve to overwhelm and confuse them. This is a marketing lesson that Saiki K. teaches, since, in the anime, information on Saiki and the universe he lives is divulged slowly but surely and the picture becomes clearer little by little.

Make sure your ads are optimized for mobile

One of the best things about Saiki K. is the fact that it is the sort of anime you can watch on the go, on your smartphone, with its short sub-episodes, each about 4 or 5 minutes as is covered over at This has made the show very popular and just goes to highlight the power of mobile today. When it comes to marketing, you must make sure your ads are optimized for mobile otherwise you will miss out big time.

Simplicity can sometimes be what is required

The anime is quite simple, from the story arcs to the designs and animation, and it turns out this is part of the reason why it is so popular. It isn’t overly complex or heavy, making it what the doctor ordered when looking for a light-hearted anime as mentioned earlier on. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that you don’t have to be overly complex with your campaigns to be successful. Sometimes, as per the folks over at, simplicity may be just what is required.

Compelling content

Everything about the show is out of the top-drawer, from the delivery and comedic timing to the quirky characters, and the fact that the show repeatedly pierces the fourth wall and doesn’t take itself so seriously. The content, as far as Saiki K. is concerned, is compelling, hence its popularity. The marketing lesson this teaches, according to the experts over at, is the importance of having compelling content if you are to capture the imagination of your audience and be successful with your marketing endeavors.

The importance of teamwork and working as one

Teruhashi and Saiki end up developing such a close bond, so much so that they become such a great team who even think similarly, as discussed over at The marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of teamwork and working as one when it comes to marketing. Make sure every person in your marketing team and every aspect of your business is pulling in the same direction if you are to be successful.

These are some of the marketing lessons that The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. teaches you, with there being more to be uncovered on this and other topics by checking out the ever-reliable

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