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10 Marketing Lessons HUNTERxHUNTER Teaches You

10 Marketing Lessons HUNTERxHUNTER Teaches You

As a result of its captivating and engaging story arcs as well as the excellent animation and designs and so much more as covered over at, HUNTERxHUNTER is considered to be one of the best anime of all time. The show is known for the many valuable life lessons it teaches, and this article, with the help of the gurus over at, will look to take a business-related slant to these lessons and highlight 10 marketing lessons HUNTERxHUNTER teaches you.

Don’t give up

One of the lessons HUNTERxHUNTER teaches us, and particularly Gon, is that we should never give up, a lesson that will help us in our marketing efforts no-end. As is covered over at, Gon has a burning desire to see his dad and he perseveres through it all, and never gives up in his quest. The same should apply to our marketing efforts, as per the gurus over at, where we should never give up and should persevere even in the hard times when none of your efforts seem to be bearing fruit.

The importance of having compelling content

As mentioned earlier on, and covered in detail over at, the animation, the music, the designs and the story arcs in HUNTERxHUNTER is up there with the very best, and as such it no surprise that it is rated as being one of the greatest anime of all time. The spectacular and compelling content is what attracts and fascinates viewers and keep them coming back for more. This is a lesson we should take to our marketing campaigns as it shows the importance of having compelling content, be it your blogs or video content to your ad copy and so forth.

Diversity is key when it comes to content

One of the reasons why HUNTERxHUNTER is so popular is because the show has got a very diverse group of characters, with each of them, from the main characters to the support characters, as covered over at, serving a purpose in the show. As per the gurus over at, the marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of offering your audience diversity as far as your content is concerned. You should not only have content covering various aspects of your business and industry but also have content on diverse platforms, from blogs to vlogs on YouTube to content on social media and so forth.

The importance of problem-solving and thinking on your feet

One thing we learn from Gon, the main character on HUNTERxHUNTER, is the importance of problem-solving and thinking on your feet when encountered with challenges, which is a lesson we can leverage in our marketing efforts. As per the folks over at, problem-solving and thinking on your feet when encountered by obstacles and problems is an art you are going to have to master, and if you do, you will increase your chances of success in your marketing endeavors no-end.


Gon is also known for his ability to strategize and come up with carefully constructed plans that allow him to overcome enemies even in situations where he may appear out of his league, as is seen in discussions over at This is yet another marketing lesson we can learn from the show, and Gon in particular as strategizing is crucial and an important cog in the wheel of marketing.

Emotional connection with your audience

The storylines and backstories of the characters in HUNTERxHUNTER are also so engrossing, that you will undoubtedly find yourself forming an emotional bond with one or more of them, either rooting for or against them. The marketing lesson we can take from this, as per the gurus over at, is the importance of forming an emotional connection with your audience as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned, which will keep them interested and engaged and help in building a relationship with your brand.

The importance of standing out from the crowd

Given HUNTERxHUNTER falls in the Shonen anime category, as discussed over at, you would expect that it follows the same story arcs seen in anime in this category, as is seen in Naruto and Dragon Ball Z, 2 of the most popular anime in said category. However, while the show does align itself with what you would expect of a Shonen anime, it also tries to separate itself from the somewhat predictable structure of such shows, as seen in character development and the main narrative points. This is an important marketing lesson, as it shows the importance of making sure you separate yourself from the crowd and place yourself as being unique, and in so doing, your marketing efforts will undoubtedly bear fruit.

Don’t restrict yourself to one demographic

Given, as mentioned above, that HUNTERxHUNTER tries to diverge from what one would commonly expect from a Shonen anime, then has helped it appeal to a larger audience, including older adults who would not normally watch such anime shows. As per the gurus over at, this shows the importance of making sure that you are not restricting yourself to only one demographic and that you are reaching out to as many demographics as possible.

You don’t have to be a giant in your industry to thrive

Gon is not the most powerful or the most skillful of hunters, as is revealed in discussions over at, but he is still able to fight his way to the pantheon of the greats. This is an important marketing lesson to learn as it shows that you don’t have to be the biggest player in your industry to thrive. There are ways in which you can position your business to thrive in your industry, mostly by offering something the bigger players can’t offer.

The importance of hard work

Just like Gon and the other character in the show, the only way you are going to see success as far as your marketing efforts are concerned is by putting in the hard yards and working hard. As per the subject matter experts over at, you will need to work hard and take the marketing side of your business seriously if you are to be successful, which is an important marketing lesson we can take from HUNTERxHUNTER.

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