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10 Marketing Lessons High School DxD Teaches You

10 Marketing Lessons High School DxD Teaches You

High School DxD, as is explained over at, is one of the most popular anime series out there, with the fact that it has spawned four seasons, with the 5th on the way, saying all that needs to be said about its popularity. Even though it is an ecchi anime, which is the category of anime shows that feature partial nudity at regular intervals as also explained over at, it still has lots of lessons to teach, including marketing ones. To that effect, this article will look to highlight 10 marketing lessons High School DxD teaches you.

The importance of having goals

What drives Issei, more than anything else, as revealed over at, is the dream he has of being the Harem king. This is the goal he has and it is what drives him, giving him something to aim for. This is one of the marketing lessons the anime teaches, as it shows the importance of having goals, which in marketing is crucial. According to the experts over at, you should make sure that you outline your goals clearly at the beginning of your marketing campaigns to give you something to work towards.

Hard work is the key to success

Once Issei is brought back by Rias as her pawn, as covered over at, he trains hard so as he can get stronger and be able to fight supernatural battles on behalf of Rias, and win. The marketing lesson this teaches is the importance of hard work in marketing, with the gurus over at outlining that hard work is the key to success in marketing and that any success you will get will be as a result of you putting in the hard yards.

Know your target demographic and give them what they want

Given the widespread ecchi elements of the anime, High School DxD may be too much for someone who is outside of the show’s target demographic. The anime is meant for teenagers, who will enjoy its ecchi elements, and that is what has made it so popular among that demographic. In short, when it comes to fanservice, they knock it out of the park. This is also a marketing lesson we can learn from it, as it shows that you must know who your target demographic is, and tailor your marketing campaigns to their needs to be successful in marketing, something the folks over at agree with.

The importance of ranking in marketing

In High School DxD, one’s ability determines how much status they will have in the underworld, in what is referred to as the Rating Game, covered over at This is something that we can take to our marketing, where ranking is crucial. In marketing, you want to rank as high as possible as this means that you will be more visible to your target audience as compared to if you are ranked obscurely.

User experience is important

Say what you want to say about the show’s ecchi elements, but there can be no denying that its character designs are stunning, and to go with that, the show’s presentation, combat effects, and music are great, as can be seen in discussions on the same over at This adds to the show and ensures that experience when watching it is a good one. In marketing, the lesson we can take from this is the importance of user experience. Just as important as your messages, is the user experience once a visitor lands on your website or clicks on your ad. Make sure that visitors have a great user experience by improving things like loading times for your webpages among others, otherwise you risk them leaving as soon as they arrive.

Go above and beyond

You will start watching High School DxD for the fanservice and the ecchi and stay due to the comedy and epic adventures. While the ecchi aspects are significant in the show, the series has more to offer than just that. This is yet another marketing lesson we can take from the anime, as it shows the importance of going above and beyond for your audience as far as your campaigns are concerned. Offer them more content and more quality and they will ensure that your campaigns are a success, according to the gurus over at

The importance of learning

Issei has to learn the ropes and the new skills required to protect and support his new family and master his Sacred Gear, as discussed over at The marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of learning and gaining more knowledge and skills in marketing. To get the best out of your marketing efforts, you will need to learn new skills and gain more knowledge, which you can do by enrolling in the many online courses that are available out there or gaining certifications on the same. Either way, your marketing campaigns will benefit no-end.

Simplicity can sometimes also lead to success

While some would say High School DxD is not that deep in terms of its story arcs, the fact that it is simple and doesn’t think too hard about what it is doing is what makes it fun and engaging, as per discussions on the same over at This is a lesson we can take to our marketing efforts, where it is important to point out that you don’t have to be overly complex to be successful, as sometimes simplicity may be just what is required for success. Most people prefer simple messages as compared to complex ones when it comes to marketing.

The importance of coming up with novel ideas and positioning yourself as unique

Another area where the show thrives is that, although the storyline can be a bit cliché, it still manages to position itself as being different from what you’d expect from such anime. For instance, as covered over at, the fact that none of the 3 factions in the anime are labeled as being completely evil is refreshing given in most anime, there is usually one party at least that is painted as being evil and that must be defeated. When it comes to marketing, the lesson we can take from this is the importance of positioning yourself as being unique and offering something different as compared to what is already out there.

Strategy is crucial

The marrying of aspects of chess into the anime, and particularly into the various battles and adventures show just how important strategy is if you are to be successful. According to the gurus over at, the same applies to marketing, where, if you are to be successful, you will have to be strategic and analytical in how you approach things. You will have to come up with plans and analyze every situation if your marketing campaigns are to be successful, a marketing lesson High School DxD teaches you.

Remember, if you are looking for more information on this and other related topics, then look no further than the excellent

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