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10 Marketing Lessons Dragon Ball Super Teaches You

10 Marketing Lessons Dragon Ball Super Teaches You

As covered in detail over at, Dragon Ball Super is an anime television series and manga, that is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball manga. The series follows the adventures of Goku during the ten-year time skip that follows the death of Majin Buu, with a more detailed write-up on the series to be found over at This article will look to focus on the marketing side of things by highlighting 10 marketing lessons Dragon Ball Super Teaches you.


While Dragon Ball Super is good in its own right, there can be no denying that its popularity has been helped by the popularity of the Dragon Ball franchise, as covered over at The franchise’s fans remember Goku battling Majin Buu, among other characters and subplots and this helped make Dragon Ball Super popular. The marketing lesson this teaches us is the benefits that are there to be had if you can trigger a sense of nostalgia in your audience as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned, something the gurus over at agree with.

New content

While Dragon Ball Super features most of the characters from the Dragon Ball franchise who we know and love, as covered over at, it also introduces us to some new characters such as the God of Destruction, which helps make the game fresh and interesting. This, as per the gurus over at, is another marketing lesson the show teaches as it shows the importance of introducing new content to keep your audience and visitors interested.

Multi-channel marketing

Dragon Ball Super not only has an anime series and manga, but it also has movie sequels like Dragon Ball Super: Brolly, as discussed over at, all of which offer fans multiple ways to interact with the franchise. The marketing lesson we can take from this is the importance of multi-channel marketing in the current climate, as it gives you many avenues through which you can interact with your audience and customers.

You will make mistakes

Just as we see from Goku and his various mistakes, such as planets getting destroyed due to his mistakes, you will make mistakes when it comes to marketing which is another marketing lesson Dragon Ball Super teaches you, as per the gurus over at This is an important role, as once you are aware that it won’t always be plain sailing, you can prepare yourself and be ready for when you do make a mistake.

Learn from your mistakes

On a related note from the above lesson, another lesson that Dragon Ball Super teaches you is the importance of learning from your mistakes, something Goku and other characters in the show embody as revealed in discussions on the same over at While you will make mistakes in your marketing endeavors, make a point to always learn from them, and your marketing campaigns will benefit as a result.

Compelling content

As can be seen in discussions on the same over at, the storyline and character development in Dragon Ball Super, and not to mention the animation and music among other aspects of the series are straight out of the top drawer. The show was well received and got great reviews from critics and, the compelling content is part of the reason behind its popularity. This is a marketing lesson worth learning as it shows just how key compelling content is to your marketing campaigns as it will attract and captivate your audience, enabling you to gain success from your marketing efforts.

Having goals

Another marketing lesson we can learn from Dragon Baller Super is the importance of having goals to aim at just as Goku had in his aim to defeat the new antagonist, the God of Destruction as is covered in detail over at If you don’t have goals as far as your marketing campaigns are concerned, your chances of success will be diminished. Having goals gives you something to work towards and motivation to keep going and also helps you define what success is.

Competition could make you better

There can be no denying that Goku’s battles with the God of Destruction, as well as other characters battles in the show as discussed over at, helped make each of the characters stronger and better with time. The marketing lesson we can take from this is that competition from your rivals could do your marketing efforts good. If you learn from your mistakes as well as the mistakes of your competitors, then this will only benefit your marketing efforts and help you attain the results you are looking for.

Perseverance is key

Just like Goku and his friends in Dragon Ball Super, you will make mistakes and it won’t be plain sailing every time, as mentioned above, and covered in detail over at Goku and his allies show tremendous perseverance and determination to overcome all the challenges they face on their quest to defeat God of Destruction, which is an important marketing lesson we can take from the show. It shows the importance of perseverance and not giving up, even when you run into challenges as pertains to your marketing campaigns.

Actions have consequences

In Dragon Ball Super, Goku learns the hard way that his actions have consequences, as his mistakes even end up leading to the destruction of other planets. The marketing lesson that we can learn from this is that your actions and decisions will have consequences, either positive or negative. As per the gurus over at, it is important to be aware that the decisions you make and the actions you take as pertains to your marketing campaigns will have an impact and consequences on your brand and your business’s bottom line and therefore you should weigh up each decision carefully.

As always, the subject matter experts over at have you covered if you are looking for more information or advice on this and other marketing-related topics.

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