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10 Golf Tips For All Skill Levels: Bunker Shots

10 Golf Tips For All Skill Levels: Bunker Shots

Few situations are as scarier to the average golfer than having to take a bunker shot. In most cases, golfers would prefer to be anywhere else but inside the bunker. However, if you get the technique right, bunker shots can be quite easy. To help you overcome any anxiety that you have about taking shots in the sand, we at have prepared a few tips we think you will find helpful.

When taking shots inside the bunker, you will have to contend with many variables. They will include the depth of a bunker, the slope, the ball’s lie, and many others. If you fail to take into consideration any of these factors, your ball may not even leave the bunker. Always take the time to assess the bunker even before you think of taking the shot. That is how the pros do it. 

Getting the ball out of the bunker may seem obvious. However, it is very vital. Most people try to make the perfect shot out of the bunker instead of simply thinking about getting the ball out first. Sure, you want to ensure that ball is close to the hole for easy putting. However, you cannot do that if you do not manage to get the ball out. It is quite easy to waste two or even three shots in the bunker if you do not get the technique right.

Most bunker shots that you hit will only be a few yards away from the hole. However, it does not mean you will make a small swing during the shot. If you want to make a shot that gets the ball out of the bunker, you will need a wide and aggressive shot. The main reason you need a wide shot is the density of the sand. Unlike a normal shot, a bunker shot will require you to miss the ball and hit the sand under it. You will then use the sand that you scoop to move the ball towards the hole. Thus, you need enough speed and power to move the sand and the ball. 

It is one of the most crucial mistakes, which average golfers make. If you want to make a good bunker shot, the wedge face needs to lay open at address. It should not just be slightly open but should be fully open, with the face point almost directly skyward. Doing that will help you achieve maximum loft on the ball as it gets out of the sand; and will be crucial in ensuring that you get the ball over the lip.

Before making the bunker shot, wiggle your feet so that they are deeply planted in the sand. It helps to make sure that you have a firm base when you take the shot. Sand is quite slippery, especially if it is dry. Thus, if you do not work your feet into it, you could slip at the crucial moment of hitting the ball. 

One of the positive of taking a bunker shot is that you can hit the target line with ease. You may not get the distance right but getting the ball online should be easy. After the ball leaves the bunker, you are going to be using a putter to get it into the hole. The easiest place to use the putter will be on the low side of the hole. 

When you face a bunker shot from the fairway, you want to ensure that you use a swing that has a soft say rhythm to it. If you swing too hard in the fairway bunker, there is a good chance you may lose balance and miss the shot 

When taking a shot from a greenside bunker, you will need to tweak your swing. If the rain causes the sand to be packed in tight, you will need to check the lip height. If the lip is low, you have to tweak the shot so that you chip the ball off the bunker with a wedge. 

A major reason why golfers face issues trying to get the ball out of a bunker is fear. They lose all hope even before they take the shot. Hook up with a trainer to learn how to take bunker shots. That will help you build up your confidence. 

When stepping into the bunker, watch the lie carefully. If the ball is on top of the sand, you can do whatever you like. However, if it is deep, you will need to use a lot of wisdom just to get it out of there with just one shot. 

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