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10 best jobs without degrees

10 best jobs without degrees

The major impediment to getting jobs for many individuals ranks as the lack of degrees. What many have come to realize in recent times however is the fact that one does not need a degree in order to succeed. Much has been said about the impact of formal higher education and the impact of a degree but as documented on, there are jobs that you can easily secure without a degree. In line with this, here are the best 10 jobs that don’t demand a degree as a prerequisite.    

Digital marketer

With the digital age defining how people do business and engage, becoming a digital marketer serves as a welcome option for individuals as it will place you on the map of important personalities within the workforce. Digital marketing can be self-taught and the goodness is that with the Google certifications at hand, it becomes even easier to make it as a digital marketer. 

Web developer

People hear of web developers and view the job as one that requires one to have a degree and some skills from space. This could not be further from the truth however since all you need is an associate degree, a knack for computers and familiarity with computer programming languages. It is another of the professions that can be self-taught and the beauty is that in the end, you get to take home an average of $66,130.

Executive assistant

If you are an expert in multitasking and handling administrative duties, an executive assistant job may be where your expertise is needed. Becoming an executive assistant requires attention to detail and some expertise when it comes to preparing reports and scheduling meetings and this can be self-taught with some appropriate practice that will reed experience over time. what’s more? An executive assistant earns a median salary of $55,860.

Electrical assistant

With automation of systems and the constant wave of digital revolution, electrical specialists rank as core contributors since their skillset has to be tapped especially when expanding and setting up machinery and digital equipment. All that is needed to become an electrical assistant is at least 3 years of apprenticeship shadowing a technical guru and the result is a job that earns you an average of $52,720.

Computer support specialist

A computer support specialist takes home an average salary of $67,260 and the catch is that candidates are usually assessed on their competence and customer care skills which means the figure can go higher. The basic role of a computer support specialist is to provide customer care to individuals and respond to any troubleshooting cases that may be forwarded. 

Real estate broker

All you need to become a successful real estate broker is a large referral network ad an agent license. The other thing you have to ensure you are good at is people skills since the jo will require that you interact with people and engage with them in both a professional yet friendly manner that will lead to the closing of a deal. A real estate broker takes home an average of $30,303 on the lower side which means the potential is quite huge and significant.

Web designer

This is another job that can be completely self-taught as long as one is willing to learn and put in the hours. All you need for this job is a unique set of computer related skills and a huge passion for the creative angle. Some aspect of art production is also favorable as it will come handy when it gets to presentation and final packaging of the designs. 

Freelance content developer

Online content has become something of a phenomenon especially with the digital era taking over. Developing digital content is a lucrative job since more and more businesses take to the online world to make their presence felt. Being a freelance content developer is not a job that requires a degree but one that is well paying with a huge demand in place. The beauty with a job in this niche is that the roles are extensive including being a copywriter, translator, blogger among others.   

Human Resource Assistant

You can easily become a human resource assistant without a degree since the main roles accompanying this job include management of files and information and customer service. With experience, more opportunities for advancement abound which means that growth is guaranteed. Human resource assistants make an average of $45,591 on the higher cap which is a decent amount. 

Personal trainer

With more people obsessed with fitness and healthy living, personal trainers are gaining popularity and importance with each passing day. The job a personal trainer takes on is the management of client schedules and the administering of fitness regimes that are prescribed by fitness doctors and physiotherapists.   

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