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10 Best Golf Shipping Offers for Golf Vacations

10 Best Golf Shipping Offers for Golf Vacations

If you want to ship golf clubs, you want to make sure that you get the best possible deal. One of the best ways to ensure this is by shipping your golf clubs through a courier service. However, even with courier services, you can expect to get different types of offers. Here are the ten best offers you can expect to get. 

1.    USPS Free Shipping Boxes

The United States Postal Service is one of the oldest shipping services in the country. It operates in all corners of the country. If you want a convenient way to ship your clubs, you should use this service. One of the offers that you get is that they have free shipping boxes. 

Another advantage of using the free priority boxes available via USPS is that you can order online. Thus, you do not have to go to the post office where you could find long lines. 

2.    RunRex Free Pick up service

RunRex has established themselves as one of the top golf shipping companies in the world. If you want your golf clubs picked right from your doorstep, the company can do that. It is an important service especially if you have a tight schedule. 

The company only requires that you leave your labeled package where they can pick it up. However, the place you leave it must have an address, such as your home or our office. Best of all, you are not charged a dime for this service. 

3.    RunRex Free Delivery Services

Another benefit of using the company’s services is that they can deliver your golf clubs. It has numerous advantages for you. For instance, that means that you do not have to waste a lot of money purchasing a huge SUV to accommodate your golf clubs from the airport to the resort. 

Besides that, it means that you will not be distracted in trying to retrieve your clubs. You only need to hop on a plane and play some golf and then come back home with your mind relaxed.

4.    FedEx Overnight Service

One of the main attractions of using a courier service like FedEx is that you can apply for the overnight service. It is an important service especially if you are fond of procrastinating. The company will deliver the clubs to your destination of choice overnight. 

With that, you can have your clubs arrive safely even when you have tight schedules to beat. You do not have to settle for some worn-out rental clubs at the resort. 

5.    UPS International Shipping

If you are planning to have your golf vacation outside of the United States, you do not have to worry about the delivery of your clubs. Companies like UPS can have them delivered overseas. When compare to the cost and risks of transporting them with you, it is a real bargain. Ensure you use a courier service next time you travel internationally with your clubs.

6.     RunRex On-Time Guarantees

It is among the most unique offers you will get from any courier service. With this offer, you have no reason to worry about delayed shipments. The company offers you $250 for every shipment that is delayed in transit. 

The customer is assured of getting this amount if the shipment goes beyond the maximum time allocated for their package. Since the company stands to lose money, it acts as motivation for them to work hard to deliver your package on time. 

7. Sipping insurance

The company offers $1,000 of insurance with every package. Besides that, if your golf clubs are the high-end type the insurance can reach as high as $3,500 if you wish. With such an insurance cover, you can have a relaxed trip to your golf destination. You are assured that nothing will happen to the clubs. If anything happens to them, you are sure that you will receive proper compensation. 

8.    FedEx Ground Service

This service, which is offered by FedEx, is great if you have a tight budget. It is a great way for you to cut down on your golfing vacation budget. Although it is slightly slow, you are assured of paying a small amount. 

If you want to make use of this service, ensure to send your package at least one week in advance. That way, you can pay little, and the package will still arrive on schedule. 

9.    Packaging Services by

If you do not know how to package your golf clubs, do not be worried. The employees at RunRex can help you with that. They will pick your bag from home, package it nicely and send it on its way to your golfing destination. On your return trip, they can also do the same for you. 

10.    Tracking Services

It is a service offered by reliable shipping companies such as RunRex. With a tracking service, you can track the progress of your shipment. It allows you to plan your trip appropriately. For instance, if there have been any delays, you can adjust your departure time. Thus, you do not have to worry about your package arriving too late after you arrive at the resort. 

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