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10 Best Golf Sayings

10 Best Golf Sayings

Golf cannot be quite complete if it does not include the unique and colorful golf slangs. Golf slangs are incredible, and most can be used universally; apart from one or two that can be exclusive to specific groups or small regions. As a golfer, it is almost mandatory to familiarize yourself with these terms if at all you want to get the full golfing experience. It is, also, a way to show off your golfing knowledge and prowess. RunRex has identified the ten best golf sayings and decoded their meanings. 

1.    Chef

If the other golfers on the course brand you the name chef, don’t mistake that to think they are referring to your cooking prowess. It is a term used to refer to a golfer who cannot stop slicing. Most amateurs get branded this name quite since slicing is common among them. If you do not want any association with this name, you can learn ways to fix your slice and work to fix it.

2.    Chicken run

A chicken run refers to a golf tournament. It could be an association outing or a league. Regardless, it is composed of 9 holes and is usually played during late hours in the afternoon after a workday is over. This term is particularly common in South Africa. Small golf clubs in the country traditionally played golf rounds with the price being freshly slaughtered chicken that would be taken home as dinner. Now that is amazing. 

3.    Dawn Patrol

Golfers associate the chicken run with the drowning of the sun, but dawn patrol is not. They associate dawn patrol with early mornings. Dawn patrols refer to golfers or a group of them who find playing golf at the crack of dawn as more preferable and more enjoyable. They are the ones who get on the golf course first. Given that dew on the grass usually characterizes such early hours, golfers also refer these kinds of people as “dew sweepers.”

4.    Silly season

Just as the name hints, it relates to a particular season of the golf year. The silly season is that part of the year in the golf calendar when the entire PGA Tour schedule is complete. It is the period when the unofficial money tournaments like mixed-tour team events or the Skins Games take the stage. We can use this term to refer to golfers who are playing golf while observing oddball formats and rules. 

5.    Airmail

Knowing the amount of energy to spend on a swing can be quite a challenge especially if you are new to the game. It is quite common to see a person applying excess energy in their swing when hitting the ball thus resulting in the ball landing much further than they had intended. In such a scenario, you can say that you airmailed with that shot. 

6.    Cart Jockey

A Cart Jockey is an employee working at the golf course. His role is to greet the golfers before their round, helps them load their bags onto the golf cart and maybe offer them a lift to the pro shop. Upon the completion of a round, the Cart Jockey usually greets the golfers again when they are leaving their 18th green, offer help to them to wipe down their golf clubs and take the golf cart from them. 

7.    Mouth Wedge

There is always a person who just won’t shut up when on the golf course. They always talk too much even when it is not necessary. They are always quite irritating as they act like they know all matters pertaining golf. They never seize from making a comment just about everything. They have a mouth wedge. “They need to put their mouth wedge back in their bags.” 

8.    Ladies Play day

In golfing terms, this day is a day, a tournament date, that has been set aside specifically for the women’s association of a particular golf club. It is a day when the ladies hit the golf course all day facing off against each other. The terms emerged from a previous era of golf when some golf clubs would restrict women. They would only be allowed a few tee times in a week. 

9.    Hangman

It is a term used when you get a score nine score in a hole. The origin of this word is the one that is interesting. The name originates from a fill-in-the-blanks game for children called the Hangman. The logic at play here is that when you squint, the “9” somewhat looks like the person who hangs from the noose in the game. Maybe. 

10.    Water ball

You just might be loving your golf ball too much to lose it. Maybe it’s new, or maybe it just has its luck. Either way, the old or cheap ball that you use instead of your good balls when facing a water hazard to avoid losing the good ball, or any ball that you hit into the water pool is a water ball.

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